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How-To: Escort QI45 Installed Radar/Laser Detector? Write up interest?


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I just purchased the new Escort QI45 installed Radar/Laser detector. I started taking measurements tonight to fabricate an aluminum bracket to get the sensor neatly tucked behind the grill. Would any of you have interest in me doing a full write up on the install?


I spent a few years working for a racecar company (Mallett Cars) as an engineer so I can usually pull off pretty clean installs. But be warned, my current lack of access to a sheet metal brake is going to result in some pretty hack brackets.

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^ Hopefully, I can help clarify some of these concerns for you. :)


Rear/side detection, with all but the V1, is a simple matter of the RADAR bouncing off surrounding/ambient structures.


This is why the V1 has such an advantage on the open-highway, where there's less such ambient objects to help the detector - as well as why the V1 suffers "Arrow confusion" when in dense-signal areas, such as cities and major business-areas of suburbs. The distinct front/rear antennas is also the reason why only the V1 is capable of discriminating where the signal is coming from (i.e. "Locator" function).


With all other detectors, in terms of RADAR, it's all just forward-detection only - and this is also why the top-flight detectors, the ones with the most raw sensitivity, can do reasonably well with detection of RADAR signals "from the rear."


In terms of placement?


The Qi45 utilizes Escort's previous-generation antenna technology, but even so, it's still *tremendously* sensitive, and placed with its antenna clear of any obstructions, it can and will equal the "detection distance" of the V1, mounted in-cabin. While higher mounting typically results in "more range" as the detector can both effectively "see over" hills and other obstructions as well as take advantage of reflections of signals from surrounding objects, the fact that the Qi and other "remote mounted" detectors like it can exist in a setting that's free from *any* obstructions will make it very competitive, in terms of reception, from even lower down. This effect can even be exaggerated in *extreme* low-to-the-road placements, such as on Corvettes and other sports-cars, where the antenna can be placed to literally "see under" forward obstructions.


That said, the caveat here is "completely unobstructed."


While it is popular to install the RADAR antenna either behind the bumper skin or behind the vehicle grillework, these objects - which theoretically, in most cases, should *not* negatively affect sensitivity - will actually, to some degree, degrade reception.


The true extent of such degradation is typically irrelevant or unimportant to virtually all users (unless, of course, someone were to make the mistake of installing the item, say, behind a heavy chrome bumper skin or behind the bumper beam :lol:), but nevertheless, strictly quantitatively speaking, the concern is still a valid one, and has been well-documented in many threads on the hobbyist/enthusiast Forum community at RadarDetector.net .


The LASER receivers, of course, are completely line-of-sight devices, and should remain free of *ANY* obstructions for effective performance. :)






I would be interested - I was just looking at the QI45 last week.


^ While I certainly would not stop anyone from purchasing the Qi45, Squiden, you should know that it is simply a repackaged/updated SR-series unit. So, this leaves three possibilities:


The ease-of-install, combined with still extremely good performance of the unit are things that will weigh in favor of the Qi45, as will the factory support/warranty, since the item will most likely be bought new. :)


However, if you're looking to save money, you might as well scour the secondary market for a used SR-series unit, and save yourself a few hundred bucks.


Alternatively, if money is not the reason you're pursuing the Qi45, I would instead urge you to look at the 9500ci (or to await the Bel STi-R+, if "Quick-Trigger" I/O RADAR is among your concerns). Certainly, the install will be more involved, but the performance as well as features of the newer product may justify the trouble, as well as the cost difference.





erikras -


I don't think I've properly welcomed you to the Forums, yet! :) Welcome!


Looks like we share another common interest, in addition to our LGTs. :)


Oh, and I'm sure you must already know from the NE-Ohio thread, but if you don't, please do register at both Forced4s.com as well as LERSOC.com , which are two great local tuner and Subaru (respectively) communities. Members in both communities are a lot of help!


BTW, I'd love to see a write-up, and heck, anything you can possibly do would likely be light-years better than what I ghetto-fab! :redface::D

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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^ NP, glad to help. :)


Yep, the V1 is - so far - unique. :)

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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subscribed for updates/pics


As someone who just purchased a V1 and an 8500 x50 for my wife, I am interested to hear your results. And TSi+WRX is a wealth of radar knowledge from what I've seen, so take heed in his info :)

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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And TSi+WRX is a wealth of radar knowledge from what I've seen, so take heed in his info :)




No, no, I'm just an average hobbyist in that area. :)


Just a little more know-how than your average-Joe, but not much beyond that! :)

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Thanks for the welcomes!


I'll probably install it this weekend and I'll be sure to take plenty of photos a long the way. Last night I didn't do much more than remove the grill (thank god for stubby screw drivers) and take a few measurements for a bracket.

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