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want a free check up on your tune, or stock car? (slc)

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My LM-2 and Tactrix have arrived. If you have a second bung in your DP I can check your AFR's to see if you're hitting your numbers. I have time in the evenings if you just want to check out your numbers and do a few free logs. No charge whatsoever. I just want to make sure your car is safe! have your current tune checked for free and make sure you're running well for the Summer! Really, no charge or obligation. Just trying to meet people and get to know the community better.


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A great Idea and service!


I think a lot of people with a dyno/protune think they are done tuning and there car runs perfect. However, in my expierence a lot of things can change over time. I check my tune with logs and LV's atleast every 2 weeks.


Most dyno tunes have no idea how the car runs under normal driving conditions. They tune 3rd gear wots and thats about it.

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Yeah, I thought about it after running some base numbers for a customer and saw his stock car had learned a lot of pulled timing in learning view, and while driving around.
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