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Basic Detailing Guide

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I just finished the text on a more basic guide to detailing that uses easy to find products from your local auto part stores. Here it is on OCDetails.com if you have some time to read it. I haven't completely decided if I want to put pictures in it of the products or not. Feedback in that regard is definitely appreciated. It has been pointed out that there are a couple areas I missed like chrome care and exterior trim care. I'll be fixing that tonight. Comments and suggestions are welcome and quite frankly needed. Nobody improves on anything without feedback from the target audience. :) Hope it makes sense. Thanks for reading!


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I think tire care would be a great addition. How to get that bling shine like you get w/ Meguir's gel tire shines, but maybe an alternative that doesnt leave the tire gel splashed all along your lower bodywork. Any suggestions?

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Eagle One Wet is my favorite for that. It does sling a little, but its not bad if you apply it to dry tires. The sling happens when the product can't dry properly. Any gel is probably a bad idea because the nature of a gel is not to dry. A spray tire product (not an aresol spray) is probably the best route to go. I recently bought a bottle of Four Star Bazooka Tire Shine. It smells like bubble gum (thus the name I think). It looks as good as Eagle One and doesn't sling product along the back at all even if the tires are a little wet. I think its my new product of choice. However, if you can't order online then the Eagle One Wet is still a good choice.


Good advice on the links. I'll fix that. :)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Guest *Jedimaster*
Didn't read it all yet, but I'd like to point out that one thing that bothers me when people wash their cars is when the nose is pointing downhill. Cars are designed for water to run front to back- you get less water to dry off that way.
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Didn't read it all yet, but I'd like to point out that one thing that bothers me when people wash their cars is when the nose is pointing downhill. Cars are designed for water to run front to back- you get less water to dry off that way.


Excellent point. That is one thing that I really like about the Legacy though. Even if you aren't pointed downhill it is still possible to dry out all of the hidden water around the trunk. I still get water that collects under the side mirrors, but at least I don't have to deal with pools of water on my bumper...


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Well, we all know that your intercooler will melt if soap touches it.... :lol: I'll make sure to bring that up in my engine detailing article I'm starting next.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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  • 3 weeks later...

Not to be picky...Paragraph indentations i think might make the text flow a little better in terms of look really. Its just really look, i can't help myself, my mother is an english teacher and all while i was growing up it these things were drilled in my head.


Overall though, very informative, gonna have to check out the rest of the site. Thanks!

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What do you mean by indentations? I've got the paragraphs spaced out. Do you mean to indent the first line of the paragraph?


yes. I think it will make it slightly easier on the eyes so its not just straight text all the way down.


Also, perhaps making the 4 categories you list (Wash, Wax, etc) links so that if you click it will jump right down on the page to that section. This is just more of a convienence than anything else.

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OCdetails, thanks for being such a valuable resource on this forum.


I initially used Zymol Cleaner Wax on my LGT, but it only lasted a couple of weeks at most. I tried the Meguiar's NXT Tech Wax and it is AWESOME.... deep shine, easy to apply and remove... and it seems to be lasting at least 4 weeks now. It just rained today and it still beads like crazy.


My only gripe with the NXT is that it is white and a PITA to see on my satin white pearl LGT. I wish they put some pigment in it. Don't scream at me if this is a dumb question but is there any sort of pigment that can be added to the NXT to make it easier to see (like food coloring, for instance) or would this be a really stupid thing to do?


Thanks for all your sage advice!

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Yeah, white cars are hard to work on because just about every product out there is white. Even the yellow waxes I use don't really show up well on white. You just have to try and look up and down every angle possible on the car and see if you can catch any haze. When I got my first white car I used to find missed spots for several days after I waxed it. lol It just takes practice I guess. Usually if you wash it again really well then you don't even have to buff anything off. That is sort of the fool-proof method of buffing wax off. Just let the wash mitt do it for you. ;)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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