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Who's the douche in the thread

Who's the bigger douche in this thread  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's the bigger douche in this thread

    • 311logan311
    • Integroid

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You're a douche for even starting this thread. An internet forum is not a popularity contest.


That's fine, but it's not about who's "cooler". He had some disrespectful comments and we went back and forth. I'm just doing this for shits and gigles and to see how others view the posts. Thats all.

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Alright, I'll bite and try to answer your question honestly. I read that thread with an open mind... and then I voted you as being the bigger douche bag; here's why:


Even though his comments do have more of "douche bag / fanboi" feel to them, and yours seemed a bit more reasoned and mature, I feel that you are the one responsible for derailing that thread, because you made the more personal attacks. For that, you get the title. I feel that you had a couple chances to disengage, and salvage the thread for the OP, but you just couldn't control yourself or your comments. For the sake of the Forum, sometimes you have to just say "Whatever." and shrug it off. Difficult, I know, but one of you had a chance to be the better man, and you missed your opportunity.


The main thing is that even though his initial "smokin' crack" was somewhat immflamatory, I feel you took it WAY too personally and overacted. I didn't read that comment as being overly vehement or personal, and you coming back saying he sounds like an a-hole is what caused the thread to derail.


Both of you should apologize to the OP for ruining his thread. Can't we all just get along?


Somebody on here has the greatest Sig ever, with the statment about how you should never argue with a stupid person, because they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Now, I'm NOT calling either of you stupid here - both of you are obviously very knowledgable (far more so than me!). But there's a bit of that sentiment here as together, both of you ended up sounding dumber than either of you do individually.


But more than anything, THIS:





Hope this helps...

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.


In other words: SEARCH before you post!

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Yeah, I agree. I've just not had anyone jump in and act like I'm stupid. I took it very personal because of the arrogance and poorly thought response. But, life goes on. Anyone know how to delete this thread?
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From this thread. Who is the bigger douche?





You are a enormous pantywaist douchebag. And while you are are asking, anyone who posts post after post minutes apart because they cannot manage to figure out how to respond to multiple posts in one post (multiple quotes) should NOT be giving tuning advice (or posting advice at all for that matter).


post 4:04pm

opensouce....or etune from someone like infamous


post 4:06pm

you have an 05 so you can use the $15 vag-com ebay cable to opensouce tune your car much better than the AP


post 4:08pm

There are some great threads here and especially at Romraider's website, which I use for tuning


post 4:10pm

You can learn to tune your car yourself and fine tune to your specific car and environment


EDIT. Learn to do it. You were a douche before Integroid ever posted in that thread.

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Wow. Thanks for the great input. That bothers you? Most were not questions, just ideas. I could have put them all together, but if that confusses you, I'll write less or not at all. Way to bully a dead subject. Also, when do you write a comment, make sure it make sense. Have a fantastic day. I'm over this, as the post before yours stated. This is the kind of crap that made this thread happen. There's no reason to try and top the end of a dying thread. I'm sorry, but your timing and thought process is terrible
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Wow. Thanks for the great input. ...This is the kind of crap that made this thread happen. There's no reason to try and top the end of a dying thread. I'm sorry, but your timing and thought process is terrible


^:lol: OP if you have not figured out by now that it is your thought process that is terrible there is nothing that anyone can do to help.

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