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standard Legacy wagon must be returned to the US!


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I'm sorry, Eric!


We have had so many diesel requests recently, that I read right over the emphasis on "wagon".

I apologize for my misinterpretation.


There are no plans to bring back the Subaru Legacy Wagon at this time. We will forward your comments directly to our Product Planning Department for their review and consideration.


The same protocol in my last email applies, if you wish for this product to be offered please make sure to encourage others who share your interest to contact us, as past input from our customers has been helpful in initiating changes to our newer models. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so to speak.


Should any decisions be made as it relates to offering such a vehicle stateside, you will among the first notified.


If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Best Wishes,

Kerry Ann Miller

Subaru of America, Inc.

Customer/Dealer Services Department








-----Original Message-----


From: eric_ogden@hotmail.com

Sent: 3/10/2010 07:35:27 PM

To: <custdlrservices@subaru.com>

Subject: RE: (SR #:1-724871746) Product Recommendations



Hi Kerry Anne,


Thank you for your response...


This was the crux of my email:


"I do own a Subaru - '93 Legacy wagon - 5 spd, modified. The Legacy Owners Association blog is replete with Subaru enthusiasts who want the full line-up of Subaru global here in the US - specifically the wagons - diesel and gas! http://www.subaru-global.com/10legacy_20d_sport_wagon.html "


...so my comment had more to do with the standard Legacy wagon than with the machinations about when to bring the diesel to the US...


Since SoA sold nearly double the number of Legacy's than the Gen 4, and based on the considerable and extremely passionate support for the entire Subaru Global product line-up being brought to the US, it seems the perfect response to the current market is to bring the manual transmission base Legacy wagon and the Legacy wagon diesel to the US right away!


The lower initial purchase price relative to the Outback, the significantly higher and more desireable modification potential of the standard Legacy wagon, (and pertaining to the diesel, a high demand for excellent diesel vehicles in this country to burn bio), suggests this product move would result in significant additional sales and profit and would turn the tide of enthusiasts who have been dissaffected due to the lack of the the Legacy wagon, back in to evangelical supporters of Subaru. (some of the passion is being lost due to the lack of the Gen 5 Legacy station wagon - gas and diesel - and is being expresed in increasingly snarky ways on the blog - e.g. "Subaru's sold out..." "Subaru is beholden to Toyota and their mass market approach to the detriment of uniqueness..." "Subaru no longer cares about the true evangelists for their products, only the owner of the Outback that is dumbed-down to the average consumer..." "Subaru is losing evangelists for their products by selling the Legacy sedan to suits and the Outback to wanna-be outdoors people..." etc, etc, etc).


We reject the constant presentation of SUVs and CUVs by other makers and want the Legacy wagon alternative Subaru provided. The popularity of wagons is returning and Subaru should not forsake that market segment at this juncture.


I believe SoA rejects the above at their peril. I am tuned-in to the general perception of Subaru and losing the tuner set who have done miraculous things with modified Legacy wagons and others who want the base model as a more tasteful, practical and safer altnerative to the Outback, would be an unfortunate and deeply dissapointing mis-calculation.


Warm Regards,


Eric Ogden




> Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 12:14:56 -0500

> From: CustDlrServices@subaru.com

> Subject: RE: (SR #:1-724871746) Product Recommendations

> To: eric_ogden@hotmail.com


> Dear Eric:


> Thank you for your e-mail to Subaru of America, Inc. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us with your feedback.


> First, please be advised that we have received many other contacts similar to yours so you will find that the statements below are the same as I have provided to other customers seeking a diesel Subaru.


> Our chairman Ikuo Mori was actually misquoted by reporters when he originally stated that Subaru would bring our diesel to the US in 2010. He had meant in the 2010(s). Since that time there have been many re-interpretations of this statement posted to various blogs throughout the Internet.


> Further complicating the issue is that the original statement of plans to bring the diesel stateside was made in 2008 after we launched vehicles in Europe but before the drop in the economy in the Fall of 2008. Subaru as well as every other company had to re-organize in the wake of this volatile market and consequently any future plans have gone under re-examination.


> At this time, we have not been made aware of any set plans as to when we will offer diesel models stateside since these past events and statements.


> If you wish for this product to be offered please make sure to encourage others who share your interest to contact us, as past input from our customers has been helpful in initiating changes to our newer models.


> Should any decisions be made as it relates to offering such a vehicle stateside, you will among the first notified.


> If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


> Best wishes,


> Kerry Ann Miller

> Subaru of America, Inc.

> Customer/Dealer Services Department







> -----Original Message-----


> From: eric_ogden@hotmail.com

> Sent: 3/9/2010 10:25:07 AM

> To: CustDlrServices@subaru.com

> Subject: (SR #:1-724871746) Product Recommendations


> I do own a Subaru - '93 Legacy wagon - 5 spd, modified. The Legacy Owners Association blog is replete with Subaru enthusiasts who want the full line-up of Subaru global here in the US - specifically the wagons - diesel and gas! http://www.subaru-global.com/10legacy_20d_sport_wagon.html


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Wow. Well, I don't think we'll ever get our Legacy wagon back. I'm okay with that... I have one of the rarest ones ever made, so it's nice to appreciate it. Americans don't like wagons... They like SUVs (except me). I don't like the direction Subaru is headed, anyways - mainstream.
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Hey JDMChizad,


Nice rides... Well yes, I believe we most definitely will get the Legacy wagon back. The tide is turning in the US again and more people are opting for wagons. Just as wagons became labelled as "your parents car", SUVs and CUVs will have the same enmity heaped upon them.


Anyway, SoA stil at least puts of a good front and says they want and respond to customer input. I have seen and been invovled in too many situations that seemed impossible or hopeless andd were turned around by people who wouldn't give up. Send an email to SoA and let them know they need bring the Global Subaru line-up to the US!



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I sent the following message and received the reply below it.


My 2005 Legacy GT Limited Wagon is still serving me very well. I chose it because it was a powerful and good handling "sport sedan that can carry stuff", otherwise known as a sport wagon. I was not and still am not interested in an SUV-type car, including the Outback. If you don't bring back the Legacy GT Wagon (or a comparable model) by the time I want to get a new car, I will be forced to go elsewhere.


Thank you for contacting Subaru of America, Inc.


We are happy to hear that you are enjoying the ownership of your Legacy GT. I have no new information to support the decision to relaunch this particular vehicle in our line-up.


I am sorry for any disappointment. I will share your message with our Product Planning department. If we can be of any other assistance, please let me know.


Best wishes,


Kelly Shinault

Subaru of America, Inc.

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Thanx lgt_nube...


Now we just have to repeatedly contact SoA and advocate that everyone else does as well - even if they don't want the wagon...


I sent the following message and received the reply below it.


My 2005 Legacy GT Limited Wagon is still serving me very well. I chose it because it was a powerful and good handling "sport sedan that can carry stuff", otherwise known as a sport wagon. I was not and still am not interested in an SUV-type car, including the Outback. If you don't bring back the Legacy GT Wagon (or a comparable model) by the time I want to get a new car, I will be forced to go elsewhere.


Thank you for contacting Subaru of America, Inc.


We are happy to hear that you are enjoying the ownership of your Legacy GT. I have no new information to support the decision to relaunch this particular vehicle in our line-up.


I am sorry for any disappointment. I will share your message with our Product Planning department. If we can be of any other assistance, please let me know.


Best wishes,


Kelly Shinault

Subaru of America, Inc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just sent this to the email listed above:


I just wanted to send an email voicing my desire to see Subaru of America relaunch the Legacy/Legacy GT wagon in the US market. Based on everything I have read, I know there does not currently seem to be a plan on the part of SOA to feature this particular model at some point in the future. This news was quite a disappointment to me, and I hope there is a chance that the US will have the option of purchasing a new Legacy or Legacy GT wagon in the future.


I have been a Subaru enthusiast since purchasing a MY2001 Impreza 2.5RS in the winter of 2000. I have also owned a 2001 Forester before purchasing my 2005 Legacy GT wagon with manual transmission last year. The Legacy is already by far my favorite. In my opinion, it offers the perfect balance of performance and practicality. It is difficult to find a car that does many different things very well. From making a run to Costco (and actually being able to fit everything in the back without folding down the seats) and transporting my family during the week, to being able to head out to the autocross, track day or spirited mountain drive on the weekend, the Legacy has been able to do everything my previous two Subarus could not do on their own. As a bonus, it even gets good gas mileage.


As a reference, the only other vehicle I seriously cross-shopped was the Audi A4/S4 avant. In the end, I simply couldn't justify the extra cost of the Audi. I'm more than happy with my choice to stick with a Subaru. If Subaru had still been offering the Legacy GT wagon as a new model, I would have bought one.


Subaru still offers many fine choices, and I often recommend Subaru to friends and family looking for a new car. However, I know there are many of us who prefer a hatch or wagon configuration, but find the Impreza hatch too small and an SUV like the Tribeca, Forester or Outback too big or not sporty enough. Perhaps those of us who appreciate that the Legacy/Legacy GT wagon does so many things very well are just too small of a minority. I understand that SOA is a business and needs to offer models that will sell. Or perhaps we just haven't been vocal enough with our words or our wallets.


For whatever it's worth, if the Legacy GT wagon is ever available in the US market again, I will be calling my local Subaru dealer to buy one. Otherwise, I may unfortunately have to look elsewhere when I start shopping for a new car.

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...well not quite. But I did get a form letter response ;)


Dear Mr. Milne,

Thank you for contacting Subaru of America, Inc.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us.


Because we are continually working to improve our products, I am happy to document this information in our computer system.


Although we have not announced any plans to re-introduce this particular vehicle back into the line-up, Subaru believes the most valued opinion of any business is that of its customers.


Your comments are valuable to us in that they provide us with a clear picture of our products as seen by our customers. As always, if we can be of any other assistance, please let me know.


Best wishes,

Kelly Shinault

Subaru of America, Inc.

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