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** PHO's Davis/Sacramento/Local Meet!**


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I really wanna go, but my car is such an embarrasment right now... I dont know if i want people who know what they're look'n at pointing out all my ladies flawwws. Plus idk if i could keep up on the cruise.

I'm thinkin about it though, it'd give an excuse to wash my car and clean it out!

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So who is bringing food to the cook out? I would like to get an idea of how much food people are already bringing, so I can see how much money people can chip in plus the time I would need to go buy some more stuff in the store. Time is of the essence since I am trying to fit everything in, all in less than a day.

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Anyone wanna meet up before hand and drive up together?


I can bring hotdogs, buns, and some soda. I also have a cooler I can bring. We're gonna be able to drop the stuff off before the drive rite?

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Anyone wanna meet up before hand and drive up together?


I can bring hotdogs, buns, and some soda. I also have a cooler I can bring. We're gonna be able to drop the stuff off before the drive rite?


Yes, I wouldn't want anyone driving with that stuff in their trunks :lol:


I was goning to bring brauts & burger. I think I'll just get a bunch of brauts & sausages (hot & mild). I'll get a enough to share, and grab a burger off someone else. Let me know.


Sounds good!

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just so theres no double post im Heedz on i-club btw. anyone from the peninsula wanna caravan? pho im bringing one friend and is it alright if we just chip in towards purchasing of food?
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just so theres no double post im Heedz on i-club btw. anyone from the peninsula wanna caravan? pho im bringing one friend and is it alright if we just chip in towards purchasing of food?



Go for it, the more food the better! we are still figuring out the drive route, as tomorrow, im might just take a drive around lake berryessa to find other roads to take, im trying to shorten the route but still make it fun. My main concern is that we are going to get lost on the freeway lol

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I'm meeting up with Jourdan from i-club around 10, and can meet you somewhere off of hwy 80 or 880 somewhere if you want.


okay just give me a time and place ill be there.

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