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Snowy autocross in the Northeast??


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Well if you're interested, you can link to all of the information here: http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120907


I know we've run in the snow before and NJMP has their own plows, but I'm not sure how a forecast 12 inches is going to effect things. They are discussing it on the SJR forum now.


Most guys around here are running all-seasons (some even summers), but it might not be a fun event unless you have a good set of snows or great all seasons (like Conti DWS). There are a couple nice places to stay in the area also.

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I will keep an eye on that link, much appreciated. I have a lot of confidence driving in snow with these blizzaks. I really want to put them to the test though and see how they fair.

Took a trip to vt a few weeks back. Friend has 60 acres atop a hill with a windy snowy road leading up to it. For me it was a blast, not so much for a friend of ours couldn't make it up the road without overheating and ditching the car haha.

Got a chance to ride around his property for a bit where t was relatively flat and couldn't get the sucker stuck in more than a foot of snow.

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