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When fun in the Subaru goes bad(NASIOC link)

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Don't get me wrong, i'm all about a little sprint here and there if the circumstances are ok. I'm usually right around 80 on the highway, sometimes over, sometimes under. However, you should realize its not a good idea when you start out thinking...hmm i'm going to see what the top end is.
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What's pathetic is...people who are caught in a drunken stooper driving

often spend less time in jail and less fines.


I too feel bad for the guy.

As a completely level headed person myself, I've on MANY occasions

taken a car to it's top speed (mostly rentals) on the I-10 between LA and

Phoenix, just to see what they'll do.

It's like a desert ghost town out there too.


The funny thing was, he obviously was being watched by the cops the

whole time, if they saw him bang the U-E


ALWAYS do a drive by in both directions at the speed limit first, to scout

the road for cops, road hazards, potholes, etc before doing

any high speed runs, even on the most deserted of roads.


Lesson learned for him I guess.

He'll get off on the "racing" ticket though.

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i would have to say, I'm rarely over 80 mph in my lgt. Tickets, jail time, accidents.... so many things factor in to prevent any sort of temptation.
ME too. Prolonged high end running on public roads bad for you health and wallet. Franklin
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enough with the "always obey the speed limit" talk aready! freakin weird to read of Legacy drivers that rarely exceed 80 mph. should have bought a Honda Insight and saved the world while you're puttin along.


I got bitch slapped with a ticket already and learned my lesson. I now always keep it near the speed limit.


- Mike

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i'm against drunk, reckless/racing on public road......but....



i really don't think it's called free/highway if there are speed limits....it's just North Americans have no knowledge of how high/freeway driving is all about.......


Been driving on AutoBahn a couple times......was such an experience......there are only speed limits letting you know when there's a curve ahead....otherwise i can blast by cops doing 260km/h (162mph) no problem......pretty sure you guys all know the rules.......slower cars keep RIGHT and passing on left ONLY....when i was doing 180km/h and saw a car ahead, i don't have to worry about slowing down because the guy in the front pays atttention to his/her rearview mirror and move to the right before i even got close to him. If everyone do this naturally, wo says high speed on highway is dangerous? and no, it's not just me who drives that fast.....it's easy to see people driving more than 100mph blowing by you on the left lane


if there are speed limits, why do they keep making the car faster and faster?...:mad:


and that was an S500 AMG that i did 260km/h in....not mine, but its adjustable suspension is kinda cool, really make a difference at high speed....:redface:

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i'm against drunk, reckless/racing on public road......but....



i really don't think it's called free/highway if there are speed limits....it's just North Americans have no knowledge of how high/freeway driving is all about.......


Been driving on AutoBahn a couple times......was such an experience......there are only speed limits letting you know when there's a curve ahead....otherwise i can blast by cops doing 260km/h (162mph) no problem......pretty sure you guys all know the rules.......slower cars keep RIGHT and passing on left ONLY....when i was doing 180km/h and saw a car ahead, i don't have to worry about slowing down because the guy in the front pays atttention to his/her rearview mirror and move to the right before i even got close to him. If everyone do this naturally, wo says high speed on highway is dangerous? and no, it's not just me who drives that fast.....it's easy to see people driving more than 100mph blowing by you on the left lane


if there are speed limits, why do they keep making the car faster and faster?...:mad:


and that was an S500 AMG that i did 260km/h in....not mine, but its adjustable suspension is kinda cool, really make a difference at high speed....:redface:



Yeah, but the Autobahn is slowly disappearing in Germany. And around populated areas in Germany there are speed limits, and many times they are lower than our major freeways through large cities. Its not like you can go blitzing through the middle of Munich at 150+ MPH. The Autobahn connects the cities together.


I don't trust anyone with only a state authorized driving license (including myself) to go blitzing on the Autobahn. Dangerous stuff.

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ya...that's what i was saying.....no reckless driving...when you have to slow down you have to slow down.....no driving through residential area 150mph+.....



but if the situation is right, then driving fast shouldn't be a crime.....:rolleyes:

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Deserved it...


there's track days for stuff like that kind of driving.




exactly, and if the track is not long enough for top speed, go to the salt flats, wear a helmet, and have the car in good shape...checking fluids, pressures, etc.

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Another thought...along with a few "friends" get a bunch of people

together and rent an old (small) airport for high speed runs.

There are a few here in So Cal that rent the runways

to our film companies for car commercials. The runways are plenty long

to run most cars to their top speeds and brake in time to stop.


I'm sure you'd need proof of insurance and sign a release too.

But places like Inyokern Airport "rent" for probably a grand or two a day.

Divided by a couple dozen people and it's not too bad.

Makes for a perfect drag strip if you want to see how your car does

against others in more than a 1/4 mile length.

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i'm against drunk, reckless/racing on public road......but....



i really don't think it's called free/highway if there are speed limits....it's just North Americans have no knowledge of how high/freeway driving is all about.......


Been driving on AutoBahn a couple times......was such an experience......there are only speed limits letting you know when there's a curve ahead....otherwise i can blast by cops doing 260km/h (162mph) no problem......pretty sure you guys all know the rules.......slower cars keep RIGHT and passing on left ONLY....when i was doing 180km/h and saw a car ahead, i don't have to worry about slowing down because the guy in the front pays atttention to his/her rearview mirror and move to the right before i even got close to him. If everyone do this naturally, wo says high speed on highway is dangerous? and no, it's not just me who drives that fast.....it's easy to see people driving more than 100mph blowing by you on the left lane


if there are speed limits, why do they keep making the car faster and faster?...:mad:


and that was an S500 AMG that i did 260km/h in....not mine, but its adjustable suspension is kinda cool, really make a difference at high speed....:redface:



I think then we'd see the laws of nature play out and the ones not fast or smart enough are wiped out. We can't do that now, it would be unfair to the idiot cell phone users who have very slow reaction times :rolleyes:


- Mike

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LOL, I don't want to fight with you guys who think that the only reason someone buys a powerful car is to race other people and go faster than the speed limit, but guess what? Lots of us buy power for other reasons. I have a boosted car that I track and autocross. Do I get on it now and then? Not too much, really. I've gone fast before. It's pretty easy. Just push that foot down, right there. Not much to it. Don't forget to turn the wheel when the road turns, btw.


Racing people at lights and on the highway doesn't make sense. There will ALWAYS be a faster car, unless you are Joe Amato. It's fighting for a prize that no one cares about, or keeps track of. What, fastest car in the valley? Fastest car in Podunk, IL? Fastest car on a certain stretch of highway for five minutes in the middle of the evening on July 12th? Garbage.


It's OK to be young and full of balls, it's NOT OK to wear your balls outside your pants. Take it somewhere where people keep track of your results and where you are compared to other people trying to beat you. Everything posted on the internet is just that: bs posted on the internet.




FRA-GEE-LAY... It must be Italian!
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... Its not like you can go blitzing through the middle of Munich at 150+ MPH. The Autobahn connects the cities together....
Yeah that's like most of america... Large stretches of highway.. Sometimes driving down i90 you can see more speed traps than cars..
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