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checked everywhere. cant find it in stores. need next weekend

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i CAN NOT FIND THE PART. ha even napa didnt have it.


i will do my best to explain.


ok. so i got this car you know. its a subaru. Ever heard of them? but anyway its a 1996 subaru lgt. red. EJ25? dohc? the stock engine in the car.


so i got a coolent leak. a small leak. not threathening leak. next summer will release hell on this leak. so like hmmmm.


its (the leak) on the top side.


lets say your in the radiator.your cooling my engine. your heading backwards to the upper hose which is a black rubber. then you go from that into a metal piece. no turn. then a hole appears below you. you go down or straight. your friends go down but you go straight to the end and down a second hole. you and your friends are in the block. except jimmy. jimmy went in the ditch while turning down the first hole.


Jimmy Anti. Jr. Freeze IIIx80 is now on the outside of my block. he went though that crack(ditch). poor Jimmy. but anyways thats my leak. i need a part number of something of that seal gasket o ring what ever it is. and yes i do know what im doing. and i have my brother to help the tear down.

ha why. im silly. and i need a way to discribe it. im totally laughing. i also cant spell. beleive it.

FEL-PRO Part # 35524 is that it?


hey hey hey. dude. is rockauto a good site. looks good to me.



come on. this is the most views ive seen so quick. noone has had there engine apart to tell me if FEL-PRO Part # 35524 is indeed the right part.


ill also need the upper intake gaskets.


o yea. sorry. yea yea is the seal/gasket. the part is fine. napa said something about an o ring. but then i got there and they said. oh no we don't got t h a t part.


others have said it should be a paper gasket.


totally part i need would be


parts cleaner

those gaskets

and the upper intake gaskets.


http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/racatalog.php i like the lay out

I'm pretty sure that's what he needs. I'm a manager at advance auto, I'll see what I can find out for you in the morning. I'll let you know if we can get it. Otherwise you'll probably have to go to Subaru for it.
Are you talking about part # 17 in this illustration or the gasket for it???



yea both the gaskets for each "port"


and advanced auto parts in brainerd mn didnt have it. didnt even have it in the computer

thanks. the closet dealship for me is 1 or 2 hours away. then back. and with that leak i dont wanna go... sweet if you could get a national part number or something

Go to your nearest subar dealership. Walk into the service and parts departement. Tell them your coolant crossover pipe ('pie accross the top of the block) is leaking, and go from there.


Always buy genuine parts, they are better.

This is what you're looking for in an OEM-type replacement item. Couldn't find the part number, but that's at least a start.
- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
And here's the R&R instruction, including the all-important torque figures for the bolts. (Disclaimer: from a 99 Legacy 2.5 FSM - but the write-up is the same as are the torque figures - but YMMV).


- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
Sorry guys I failed, my gf called and sadly i was dragged away from the subaru dealership :( but ill see if i can go tomorrow if she doesn't call
Go to your nearest subar dealership. Walk into the service and parts departement. Tell them your coolant crossover pipe ('pie accross the top of the block) is leaking, and go from there.


Always buy genuine parts, they are better.


when I go there ill ask them that, I know a guy behind the counter and he knows my car so hopefully he has an answer. I got lucky to have two subie dealerships near by:wub: one is 5mins from me the other is 10mins thats sooo rare hahaha

having a gf isnt fun :( i need to go pick up my parts ughhhhhhh........ok tomorroww, Tomorrow will be the day i do not pick up my phone untill i pick up my parts!!!!

ha. nice. i totally was gonna hang with my girl to0, but on the way back to school my wheel feel off. o well. lets just say i lost my nuts and my cars fine. i was laughing so hard though. just zoom goes the right rear tire. and i turn my blinker on and pull into the ditch/feild.

come to a stop.

get out.

stand and make funny faces at my hub and the people slowing down.

i walk across the street.

pick my tire up.

jack up my car.

take one blot from the other 3 tires.

wave at my friends as they pass in there american cars

and bolt it back on.

i continue to drive out of the ditch

while whipping a massive drift in the grass feild.

while the cops are just getting there.


they asked where the tire was and what i was doing in the ditch. "o, i got it back and put it back on, thanks though for responding, have a good day. "


bam i love subarus


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