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Why Xenonk HATES Street Racing!!!

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It's kids (and some older guys) like these with an ego the size of the planet thinking that the have the baddest car on this side of the USA. Currently reported, the Mustang had tranny work 3 days before the accident at "Springfileld Motorsports" (specializes in Mustang). Something tells me that his ego got to him and he had to prove it on the street.


I swear it's people like these that are not only giving me and my sport a bad name, but they are ruining it for everyone else that wants to personalize their cars for their own wants (that's why we have issues with "illegal" modding when it should have been open and free to mod).


FOR ALL YOU THAT HAVE KILL STORIES, start your KILLING and HUNTING on LEGAL DESIGNATED TRACK EVENTS. I dont see hunters shooting and killing their target/prey in front of your lawn/street where they can accidentally shoot at your house and hit you. Same difference, get it through your head and leave the ego at home people.




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yeah, that does suck.. but do you really think you are getting through to anyone you're aiming those comments at? i see angry anti-racer threads over at nasioc too. i don't think they do any good .. well, maybe for the people who need to vent.


i think the links speak for themselves. angry xenonk isn't gonna be anywhere near as effective of getting that message across :)

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yea, he was the passenger who died.


You know, honestly, if I were at the scene and witnessed it, I would just park my car on the side of the road, call 911, and go straight up to the car and yell out:




It just boils my blood. My mom could have been that 63 year old lady in that car... my friend could have been in that dump truck.. the point is, there are people out there that are minding their own business and some dumb @!*#& comes up and hurts them all due to ego.


And dont get me started on the reason of having car insurance to "justify" this kind of incident.




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Ah, the irony of having this thread just above the one titled: "CLS Kill" or some stupid s**t like that.


Keefe, have a read of that one, you'll get a good laugh. 130MPH, "had to slow down for traffic"


Are people this dumb in real life or does the anonymity of the internet bring out the best in bench racing, or in this case, bench street racing? :)

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"I am the Nightrider! I am a fuel-injected suicide machine! I am a rocker! I am a roller! I am the Chosen One! The Mighty and the Vengeance! Sent down to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter than a rolling dice! Step right up, chum, and watch the kid lay down a rubber road right to freedom!"




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"I am the Nightrider! I am a fuel-injected suicide machine! I am a rocker! I am a roller! I am the Chosen One! The Mighty and the Vengeance! Sent down to strike the unroadworthy! I'm hotter than a rolling dice! Step right up, chum, and watch the kid lay down a rubber road right to freedom!"





Right behind The Road Warrior as one of my top ten.


Good reference :)

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Ah, the irony of having this thread just above the one titled: "CLS Kill" or some stupid s**t like that.


Keefe, have a read of that one, you'll get a good laugh. 130MPH, "had to slow down for traffic"


Are people this dumb in real life or does the anonymity of the internet bring out the best in bench racing, or in this case, bench street racing? :)



I refuse to open "kill" threads to actually read what the person did.. I only moderate for proper content of using non-swearing words and keeping hostility at bay.


It's really an ego thing.. people swear they have the best car in the world (that's why I dont let the car get to me.. it's all about the driver).. I posted a while ago about my "preachings" of what a driver's and a car's roles are in life. I dont blame the movies, I dont blame the aftermarket world for parts.. I just blame people with too large of and ego and pride.. it's like a guy bragging about how large his D!@*$ or 8@LLZ are and how he is fearless or can get any girl he wants, blah blah blah. Too much ego.


Here's a chapter out of my Racer's Bible:


"If a driver is to a car, then a basketball player is to a basketball.


If the basketball player performs well, it's because he can, not because the basketball makes him a better player or perform that much better.


If the driver performs well, it's because he can, not because the car makes him a better driver or perform that much better.


You can have the world's fanciest basketball, but if you dont have the handling, dribbling or shooting skills, the fancy ball is nothing but rubber, air and plastic.


You can have the world's highest performance car, but if you dont have the skills for braking, turning, shifting, the fancy car is nothing but rubber, metal, plastic and liquids.


It starts with you first"


- KL-SR 5:2



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Keefe and I have both made it clear we don't think 'kill' stories even belong on this board. That other thread, the driver boasts about going 150mph.......just plain stupid, IMO.


My fiance was watching Dr. Phil the other day and just relayed a story to me. A young kid was racing his buddy on the street.....a car pulled out from a side street and he t-boned it, killing the drive instantly. Apparently, the driver was his own mother. Not sure if he survived or not, but how ironic is that?

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My point is that I dont want to take a risk just walking across the street one day to grab a Slurpee from 7-Eleven and get runned over by Street Racers. It's already bad enough that are oblivious drivers out there, why add more?



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I blame it on the parents not keeping an eye on what car they drive and what their credit cards bills have on the tab.. doesnt a parent question "$3000 for turbo upgrade" on the statement?


Being stupid as a parent and being stupid as a teenager are the same to me... it's self-preservation and pre-emptive explanation and could bring people into some kind of aspect and reality. The choices some people make are not "mature".. damn kids want to be treated like adults should be tried as adults in court but they sure still act like kids and plea ignorance.


Hell, just watching "Super Nanny" on ABC gets me pissed off as some parents just dont know how to be parents. I swear it's all an ego thing and pleading ignorance or blame something else when something goes wrong, why not blame one's self for your own fault? Oh wait, that makes too much sense.


Honor is such a mundane word in today's society. Soon, the word RESPECT will be too... sigh.




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I gotta get me one of those "speed-o-dometers" the dude in the first vid is talking about.


Seriously, Colorado is currently debating a bill that would make it illegal for minors to drive with another minor in the vehicle. My wife and I discussed this at length and, although I do think this is a *helpful* situation, I think we need harsher penalties for minors who commit even the slightest moving violations.


I think any moving violation ticket by a minor should automatically result in a 3 month suspension of their license. Display of speed citations (racing ticket in Colorado) should result in suspensions that last at least until the driver is 18.


I remember turning 16 and how much of an absolute joy the freedom of having my own vehicle gave me. At 17, I had my license suspended for non-vehicle related issues (long story, short: I was an idiot at that age and for a few years to follow!). Having my license taken away was the single most effective thing the courts could have done to curb my delinquent behavior.


We recently had a huge news *bonanza* because a 16 or 17 yr old rapped his 3 day old Evo around a telephone pole. The kid and his passenger were seriously injured and spent a lot of time in an ICU. I remember, like it was yesterday, the first time I heard about it. My first response: what kind of parent buys their minor a beast like an Evo at that young an age? I mean, I grew up in rural Texas and my parents taught me at 10 how to drive a tractor, at 13 how to drive a ranch truck and at 15 how to drive on the street in my grandmothers old '77 Cordoba. There's no way my parents would have unleashed me on the world with an Evo.

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I dont mind buying my kid a new car.. provided that he knows how to drive it more RESPONSIBLY THAN ME (which is near impossible) so she/he will have to settle for a turd until her/his skills and judgement are up to par.


I am going to start them early like Brian Garfield's kid and get them on the right track with the correct judgement of what is safe and what is racing:


See video of the SCCA's WDCR's Novice Coordinators son (currently age 6):



Brian Garfield is an awesome dad (who is also my driving instructor and mentor) as well as Brian's father and mother, Craig and Jane (also SCCA spokespeople/chairman/treasurer) are wonderful parents. Btw, that's 3 generations that autocrosses, including Brian's wife, Lisa.




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Hafta agree that roadway looked like the last place to do anything on. I'll admit I have and still do my share of running on the street. I do however have a select stretch of roadway I do it on. A good 3 mile stretch nothing on coming ,no lights,fenced and wooded on both sides with not an entry ramp in sight for other cars to get on the road in front. It's a short ride for me and if somebody wants to play thats the spot i'll go to.
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ya know, not to be an ass here, but while you're crossing the street to 7-11 to get your slurpee, some drunk driver could come flying by and do the same damage as the kid street racing. it's called life and contrary to popular believe, we have no control over it. if it's your day...it's your day and there is nothing you can do about how, when, where, what, or why it happened. not trying to saying street racing is ok, i'm just saying there are many things you could substitue in for street racing that will have the same affect (thats wht seems to be the sticking point of this thread, the after affect).



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I understand what you mean Kenda, it could be a lightning bolt for all we care.. but if we have control of our own actions (and I hope we do), that drunk guy didnt have to drive, he could have asked a friend to drive him or called a taxi..


My point is to lessen the amount of possible human-influenced accidents as much as possible.



KTM 525, I dont mind if a person owns 400+ acres worth of land and builds their own race track. That's in a closed course of which he acknowledges the remaining risks involved for driving on his own track. I could care less if you kill yourself on the track (as I have come to understand, acknowledge, and respect my own choice to only endanger myself only on the track). It's just not cool to endanger others out there that never wish to take the same risk. I refuse to accept it's "ok to let street racing to continue" eventhough it's going to continue either I want it or not, because I dont think it's ok that a street racer T-bones me while I walk across the street to get my Slurpee, do you think it's ok to get T-boned when you didnt want to? The idea is that not everyone wants that kind of risk.. If one wish to have that kind of risk, isolate that risk to yourself only.



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Ok, maybe that kid deserves an Evo at 16... WOW!!!


Julian doesnt need an EVO at 16, his dad drives a Mini S.. so why does his son need anything faster? Julian will be a great instructor at the age of 16. I just hope he can influence the teenagers around him the proper thinking when it comes to driving behind the wheel on public roads.



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