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Just got my 05 GT :)

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I didn't have a few weeks to work the salesman though. I had to have a car by thursday because the car I drove didn't have insurance.. Or at least that's what my parents told me. So I drove it to work, drove back, and then straight to the dealership.


Yeah, the warranty is something good to have. It's about 2-3000 smackers but it's so worth it. I got warranty up to 100K, and I'm just past half way there. So I got another four or so years to run on it without worrying.

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Wanna trade? lol...


I got mine with 54K for over $18K!!!

Hope I didn't get completely ripped off :-/

again, options might be the difference.


If you are happy its a good deal. First car buying you are prime meat especially without looking up car value on KBB.com or edmunds.com


My wife bought her 2005 LGT 5mt wagon for $23.5k brand new(no negotiation) as a leftover late 2005.

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If you are happy its a good deal. First car buying you are prime meat especially without looking up car value on KBB.com or edmunds.com


My wife bought her 2005 LGT 5mt wagon for $23.5k brand new(no negotiation) as a leftover late 2005.


I'm actually happy about it. I was looking to find something that I'd have to pay about $350 per month for. Usually that's like 16-20Grand territory. I found this, and then started negotiating.. They did offer a loan from bank but that was 7.9% APR, and there was like $3000 warranty purchase, but that was around 370/mo. Then, after me sitting there scratching my head, I got a good 6.4% financing from Subaru themselves, with a warranty. So I'm now paying $335/mo. So I'm happy :D


My girlfriend's dad (who by the way co-signed for me), bought a 2007/8 Legacy wagon.. Not GT though. Paid about the same. But it's got no options on it. No leather, no sunroof, just regular seats, regular cd player, and that's pretty much it.. He says he didn't look for something with a bunch of options, but something that he could carry 2-by-4s in and stuff.

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Serge congrats brother. the legacy is a car for real drivers. do your selfe a favor, research through this forum to familiarize your self with what can make your car upset or make her happy.


One thing for sure if you got your car from a dealer, make sure the banjo bolt turbo oil feed line was checked and is not clogged. many people in this forum including my self had a nasty surprise.


Good luck & enjoy

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Thanks for the tip, I'll let the dealer know when I take it there for my oil change.. they offer 1 free oil change, and why not? I know I can do it myself, or have my dad do it if I feel lazy, but if they offer a free one, I'll take it :)

I'll ask them about the turbo oil feed line :) It won't be the only thing they look at though.. I got a very small transmission oil leak that I'll force them to fix as well ;)

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