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New springs, new sound...


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I recently installed iON springs, and I'm getting a small "clink" sound intermittently when I get into or out of the car. The sound is coming from the left rear, and I'm reasonably sure it's related to the spring installation. I did it myself, following the walkthrough, but it's the first work of this kind that I've done. Does anyone have any suggestions about what issue might cause this sound?


My guess is the orientation of the spring on the lower perch, specifically where the end of the spring touches the raised "nub" on the perch, but I don't value my guessing ability very highly ;), and that doesn't help me determine what the correct orientation should be. The right rear doesn't seem to make the sound.




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Thanks! Two votes for the top end sounds like a good clue, and a place to focus.I've tried to get it to make the sound, but it seems it will only do it when I'm getting in or out, and not every time.This weekend didn't provide time to work on it, so I'll keep trying, and update when I know more.
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