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It's a fun read, definitely worth the $10, but there is a danger of accepting it as gospel. Steve and Bret are great guys who pull no punches in their quest for objectiveness, but IMO their basic concept is flawed. (They of course disagree with me.) I believe that you can't really rate waxes; there are just too many variables in application and working conditions. I'm not saying that they're all the same, but you can't say that one is an "83", and another is a "78".


Those guys both spend a lot of time doling out advice at roadfly.org, the Bimmer site. You could do worse than take their advice on how to detail your car. They're both pretty good.


edit: Also, the wax report is a few years old by now, and most of the products have either been reformulated or superceded by newer products.




FRA-GEE-LAY... It must be Italian!
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Ok thanks for the info. I agree that most tests for car waxes are qualitative. There's not too much a person can quantitatively measure to find out which is the best. I'll probably stick with Meguiar's NXT Tech wax since that seemed to last fairly long and it looks nice.
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