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thinking about a legacy sedan


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Hi guys - total n00b here, please bear with me. I'm thinking about replacing my Saab with a Legacy sedan, MY06-09. I have two very minor questions that I hope you could help me with -


1) With the rear seats folded down, can you fit a road bike in the car?


I have a 52cm frame bike with 700c wheels that I can get into my 9-5 sedan that way if I remove the front wheel. I know the Legacy's trunk is smaller than the Saab's (11.4 vs. 15.9 cubic feet). So just wondering if it's possible. Not a dealbreaker, obviously, but I'd rather not use a roof or trunk rack if I can avoid it.


2) Do alcantara seats collect dog hair?


I have a furry white dog that sheds like it's his job. I am considering a Spec B but I like the leather seats of the LGT. If I got a Spec B, since it has a black interior, it would look like a disaster area if white hair sticks to that fabric. Again, not a dealbreaker. I'm just undecided if I want a Spec B or a LGT and it's one little thing to consider. I have been reading the Spec B vs. LGT arguments with interest. Both are hard to find where I am, but the LGT is somewhat easier to locate.


Anyway, thank you for any info you can provide. I will have greatly more substantive questions as I come closer to making a purchase. Thanks!

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05-06's the seats don't fold down, and I am sure you could trade your spec b seats for regular leather, especially if you don't mind tan(come to CA and trade me!) the center of the rear seat folds down but its really not big, I put 6-2X4's in the back through the hole, fit fine, till i hit the brakes and the wood shot up and went up to the window and cracked it!lol after that I just use my hitch and trailer. I looked at a lot of other cars b4 getting this one, and price performane and quality were big things for me. I have thought about getting another car, and giving this one to my wife(AUTO) but everytime I look at another car I find the LGT better. I ended up just telling my wife to find a car she wanted, she wasn't too happy that I kept the LGT. We hevent gotten our 2nd car yet, but plans are to just get a motorcycle and keep sharing the car...
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thank you all for the input.


while i think the LGT wagons are exceptionally cool, i'm just more of a sedan person. if i can't fit a bike in the trunk, i can always get a rack for it. the legacy is still a very practical car, which is one of the reasons why i'm seriously considering it. it has that rare mix of quality, functionality and fun.


if i saw a spec b in that ruby red color, i'd be all over it. but since they seem increasingly harder to find, i'll probably wind up with a LGT. there are a couple i've had my eyes on...


thanks again!

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just wanted to add, for potential buyers - if you're a member of AAA, don't forget to see what quote their car buying service can give you. they were quoting me $3k off MSRP for a 2009 MT LGT ($26,000). it's also available for used cars. i know USAA also has a similar service but i haven't tried it yet.
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Blix, +1 on the idea of getting a rack. OR, you could get a class 1 hitch. I think you can drop 200lb on the lip of a class 1 hitch. Which means you could get one of those small platforms that people put cargo boxes on and just strap your bike to it rather than haulin' a trailer too.

You sure you don't like wagons? They're just about the same as the sedans in terms of handling, etc.

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i checked out my friend's '09 sedan and it looks like i can fit my bike inside if i slide it in backwards through the trunk with the rear seats folded down. the height clearance in the trunk is a bit tight for my handlebars but it'll manage.


but thank you about the tip for the hitch. i probably will wind up with one of those. i have a feeling i'll be moving around a bit in the next couple of years so a hitch that can hold a trailer should definitely come in handy. thanks again!

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I have an 06GT with hitch, I love the comments I get pulling it. Everybody can't believe that I pull 2K+ with the car. 1K I almost don't notice its there, but 2K I can def feel the drag, but I am able to keep up with traffic. Civics still can't keep up with me at a light....lol
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