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id be like the rest and crack a joke but since you acctually use the car on the track i wont and will respect it.


Keep driving more and more and get them times down. Your going to love what sways do to the car, and brakes are always a good thing just make sure that your tires are good enough to handle them

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Where did you get this `wing'?


How is it attached?


Did you actually measure anything or are you just talking about how it feels?

wing is from Silkroad.

its mounted using custom cut mounts


the entire inside of the hatch for the upper half has been filled with expanding body foam so there is support there for the wing so its not just flexy sheetmetal.



so i finally got some time to drop the engine and break it apart. it was as i suspected, a conrod broke in half at the cap, allowing the piston to slam into the head, break off around 5 small pieces, which also traveled into the left rear cylinder and ratted around leaving a nice piece of metal imprint in the piston surface and head surface. the conrod ended up in about 12 pieces i counted so far, but the piston is stuck, and i ran out of time tonight ot get it all out and apart.






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Swap it out for 1 big turbo then.


I do have a couple question though, not really sarcastic ones.


What good will the tape do to keep sharp objects off the track when the car is a wagon with a massive rear window directly above the break lights? Anything that smashes the lights will more than likely break the glass too, correct?


Do you guys need to run driveshaft hoops around the rear driveshaft? Most racing organizations around here require them... Then again Japanese gameshows try to kill people all the time, a casualty or two in racing is all in good fun over there I guess. ;)


Now for a sarcastic question... How much power does the rear bumper add at the wheels? You get the most power if you have a full body kit ya know..... ;)

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i think the tape thing is stupid. but its more for if a car taps you as you are racing that the shards dont go everywhere. they are somewhat contained with the tape. doesnt really help in my particular application, but think like a normal sedan, it would help for sure.

as for hte hoops, nope. that would kind of detract for a track to require cages and hoops and ish. dont you think? besides, how many not extremely modified cars have you seen drop driveshafts that arent drag racing? I dont think its TOO common, but i could be wrong.

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