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Dinner Rocked last night - Surf & Turf


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Went to a concert last night and wanted to have a good meal before I went. Options were go eat at a great Czech restaurant near the venue (Red Rocks) or cook at home. Since my date was a little flaky, I didn't want to risk making a reservation and her being late or even not showing altogether, so I decided to do Lobster tails since a friend works at Costco and told me they were having a special on them for the Seafood Roadshow (19.99/lb for Australian cold water lobster). Got the LAST TWO tails - so I got lucky there, bummed that I didn't get to grab like 6 and freeze the extra, but that's life.


After getting the lobster tails, salad and asparagus, I thought it seemed like it still might not be enough, so I went and grabbed a package of Filet Mignon cuts. Finally stopped at another grocery store to pick up a few lemons for lemon butter and corn on the cob.


I actually chose not to grill the corn because I did everything else on the grill, and it was easier to time everything by not having 4 different items to pay attention to on the grill.


Split the lobster tails and opened them up, coated in Olive oil and cooked them 6 minutes flesh up, 4-5 minutes flesh down, perfection. Dipped the meat in lemon butter.


Steak - coated in Olive Oil and seasoned with Sea Salt and Fresh Cracked Pepper. Thick cuts, cooked about 4 minutes on each side - Perfectly medium rare. I was in heaven.


Asparagus - put tips in a freezer bag with about 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, sqeezed half a lemon in the bag, and sprinkled in grey sea salt. Shook bag to coat everything and grilled on low heat until just browned.


Salad was a cheater kit bag but was lettuce with almonds, dried cherries, white vinaigrette, and blue cheese crumbles.


My date couldn't believe I actually made all this myself in just over 30 minutes! Best meal I've had in months. :)

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Saw Wilco. Always a good show. I was REALLY glad I downloaded the new album before it came out this last Tuesday. It was nice to know the new songs they were playing too.
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Yeah, I love grilled asparagus too. I really don't think I ever truly had asparagus until I started grilling it. Steamed just isn't the same. Grilling with oil and sea salt really brings out the sweetness of asparagus. I grilled up the rest of the steak and asparagus last night and had a friend over for dinner and she was surprised how sweet it tasted.
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