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Is the Short Throw really shorter?

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Subaru STS replaces the whole shifter assembly (shifter, linkage, etc.). Aftermarket replaces only the shifter. With aftermarket you may have to grind the metal surround to prevent the linkage from rubbing against it in 1st, 3rd and 5th. The factory unit will not have that problem. Also, aftermarket may be prone to additional N.V.H. (is that the correct term?) being that they don't have the rubber that the factory unit has.


Chris S.

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You can also shorten the height of the sts shifter lever 35mm which puts it in the same range as a Kartboy or Cobb. see link, It's not hard to do, takes about 1.5 hrs.




Huge improvement in feel and the throw length is shorter.(shorter arc length) I am also going to add the Kartboy bushings I have them..just need to install them. With the shorter lever I'm not sure how much they will help. One thing I will add: with the sti shifter you have a rubber isolation feature that is not available with the other ones. Keeps things quiet.





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Am I the only one that doesn't see the point in actually making the shifter shorter vs short throw? It just means you need to move your hand more from the shifter to steering wheel. I mean you all drive hard enough to need two hands right? :D


Actually, the positioning of you right hand is better with the shorter shifter, in my humble opinion. Ask the Cobb/KartBoy owners, I'll bet they agree.


The heel of your hand rests right on the hand break and then you have perfect ergonomic access to our wonderful climate control sys and the stereo. Plus moving your hand an extra 35mm prolly adds milliseconds to the shift considering that all you're really changing is the hypotenuse of the triangle, the triangle being hand - original knob position - new knob position.


Besides, it looks better and it only cost $8.00:p



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  • 3 weeks later...
Nice write up! Wish the camera had held out to the end though...


Thanx and sorry about that.......


Def don't need to waste the $$ on the STi STS, but def go with the kartboy or Cobb...and DEF get the bushings, for 30 bucks they make a world of difference in the smoothness and percision of the throw......

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