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Anyone in Utah need an Airbag?


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  • 2 years later...

The first time I blew one up, I nearly killed myself:lol: Now I do it from a long ways away, and usually put something like white flower on top of it to watch it poof up more:lol:


I fear if we put that under Keith's couch his little kid will go through life as an only child:lol:

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The first time I blew one up, I nearly killed myself:lol: Now I do it from a long ways away, and usually put something like white flower on top of it to watch it poof up more:lol:


I fear if we put that under Keith's couch his little kid will go through life as an only child:lol:


Let's do it! I blew up a watermelon with a mortar off of 300 S up by the mountain...


I have seen that YouTube video...it's crazy. IIRC, it knocks the guy out.

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Observe what would happen to Keith :lol::lol::lol::lol::



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S1CZ08w4H4]YouTube - ‪Airbag prank gone horribly wrong‬‏[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vppxu70Wojo&feature=fvwrel]YouTube - ‪Couch Airbag Explosion Prank‬‏[/ame]

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At least he's still alive! Now I know never to sit on anything you have control over.:spin:


How much are you selling that airbag for? Maybe I should buy it as a preventative measure!


Don't think that way!


*jedi mind trick* You will not have an accident...*jedi mind trick*

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