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How water-resistant are the 08+ Subaru Legacy Keys - A story

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Hi all,


I had to share this story :)


I've often wondered just how much exposure to moisture our keys can take and still operate. Well, I found out this past Friday :)


My wife went for a run in the park by herself. When she goes on runs, she takes along with her a pouch that fits inside her pants by the hip which holds her cell phone, car keys, and driver's license.


Well, after about 3-4 miles, she stopped at a porta-potty. She forgot about the pouch as she dropped her pants, and "plop" :eek: went all her stuff into the porta-potty.


By the shear blessings of God, this particular toilet had recently been cleaned out. The pouch was submerged in pure "blue" liquid, but she didn't have to shove aside any piles of crap.


She grabbed the pouch and ran out of the park (faster than she ran in). Her key still worked, though it had been covered in blue liquid. She thoroughly cleaned everything when she got home.


Before I could say anything, she then put the key into a tub of hot water filled with soap & suds and let it sit there for about 5-10 minutes.


We then grabbed it and gently rinsed it off to get out the suds. About 5 minutes later, I walked outside.


Works like a charm, and still works today :)


I would've never expected this key to last through a submersion in a porta-potty and tub of hot soapy liquid. Bravo Subaru!



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mweiner - I think the 08 has the fob integrated into the key itself.

My 06 still has the tear drop shape stand alone fob ... there is O-ring in it which is a clear attempt to keep it dry. So far it has worked for me.


Joe - does that blue stuff actually stain the skin as the urban legends will have it?

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Mwiener - It was the fob-key, with the integrated controls. I expected something to short after sitting in multiple fluids that were not just clean water :)


My wife said she had "Cat like reflexes" and grabbed it immediately after it dropped in. nevertheless, all her stuff was soaked in the blue.


I saw her afterwards, when she was getting out of a 20 minute hot shower. Her hand has not taken on a blue tint, as far as I can tell. :)


I honestly thought the key woulda been busted. Since they are kinda pricey per key, I was upset. And pleasantly surprised when it worked immediately.

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My '05 fob went through a complete wash/rinse/spin cycle. Still works.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][B][I]"Sweep the leg!" - Sensei Kreese, Karate Kid [/I][/B][/FONT]
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The keyfob part is enclosed by rubber making a small water seal with the back of the pcb case. Most automaker fobs have to pass a 'washing machine' test before they are considered acceptable to the automaker to sell with their car.


Even then if you get the fob soaking wet, if you can get to it and dry the pcb before the moisture starts corroding everything and you wait until after you dry it off to press buttons it will probably be just fine.

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This story is great example of why I never stop during my run for anything...especially bathroom breaks.





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Well, after about 3-4 miles, she stopped at a porta-potty. She forgot about the pouch as she dropped her pants, and "plop" :eek: went all her stuff into the porta-potty.


By the shear blessings of God, this particular toilet had recently been cleaned out. The pouch was submerged in pure "blue" liquid, but she didn't have to shove aside any piles of crap.


She grabbed the pouch and ran out of the park (faster than she ran in). Her key still worked, though it had been covered in blue liquid. She thoroughly cleaned everything when she got home.


At what point did she pull her pants up again ?



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The keyfob part is enclosed by rubber making a small water seal with the back of the pcb case. Most automaker fobs have to pass a 'washing machine' test before they are considered acceptable to the automaker to sell with their car.


Even then if you get the fob soaking wet, if you can get to it and dry the pcb before the moisture starts corroding everything and you wait until after you dry it off to press buttons it will probably be just fine.


Mine passed the washing machine test, and also any reasonable g-force test since the washer is one of those front-loading 1,000,000,000 RPM models. Just opened it and dried it - no moisture inside the seal.

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This story is great example of why I never stop during my run for anything...especially bathroom breaks.




I hope to god this guy is in the lead or is running for the porta-potty. Then again he probably created a huge gap after that crap between him and other runners.. :lol:

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