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08 Subaru Legacy Woodgrain Trim


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Ok, so I have to purchase a new piece of wood grain trim after a stupid install mistake, my fault of course. Does anyone know where I can purchase the passenger side (dark) wood grain trim that goes from the shifter to the top of the stereo? I have asked the dealer but they want 160 bucks for a piece of plastic.



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Well, basically my intent was to install GPS and Valentine one to not show the wires. I did not have the instructions or the shop manual on how the center console came out or apart. So I did what I normally do on installs and start from the outside in. I took out the glove box and removed the pieces covering the underside of the dash over there. Then moved to the console. Removed the two bolts under the armrest box and pulled. First off, people should know this is a pain in the ass! The two plastic tab pieces that the front part (basically where the seat heater switches are) of the console broke and they are NOT Removable making this part difficult. Also the emergency brake shift boot is clipped pretty tight and I have to replace that piece because the boot is glued to a piece of hard plastic and one of those clips broke.


So after getting to this point I saw that the wood grain trim was covering the black side panel I was need to get under and it met up with the trim of the shifter. The other pieces of wood grain trim just clip in so I figured this did too. I started at the top towards the top of the stereo and carefully pulled. And it popped just fine. I was actually confident it came out that way. Well as I moved down the piece it got tough towards the shifter. So I stopper and tried to remove the shifter trim. What I didnt know was the chrome ring around the shifter had to come out first because it is stuck f*ng tight, but because I didnt want to break or scratch up the silver trim around the shifter I went back to pull on the trim and.... crack. So yeah, it sucks and I have to shell out 160 for the plastic FAKE wood gran trim, 50 for the emergency brake boot and 5 bucks a plastic pop-it connector for the console.

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Send a PM to "FredBeansParts" on the forums here. His name is Jeremy and he works at a dealership in Pennsylvania. He'll be able to get you whatever you need and the prices I get from there are always cheaper than my dealership even after including shipping.
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