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Online Auto Detail Management Software

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When was the last time you waxed and what did you use? How long did you spend doing it and were the results as you expected? When did you last detail the wheels and shine the tires, or when did you last apply the rainx?


This project spawned from a question on another forum asking if there was any current solutions out there for managing customers and details for professional detailers. While it is more targeted to people who have a lot of customers and cars that they deal with every day, it will also work for people that only care for their car or cars to keep a log of what they have done.


This is the first launch as is still in beta. There are a lot of other features and optimizations to add. The next release will have photo uploads, an expedited process of adding details, product management and product reviews. Eventually it will be a portal for details to share knowledge and information. Search and comment on other peoples details, review and rate products, etc. I've only been working on it for a week so far, the the progress is happening quick.


Anyhow, I invite you guys to check it out and either leave your comments and questions here, or send them to admin@detaillog.com. I hope you enjoy using it.

DetailLog: Online Auto Detail Management Software

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Thanks for signing up theflystyle. Obviously on the detailing forum I frequent the response has been much greater and all positive. 13 registrations so far other than myself and my testers.


I did a small update today containing a bug fix and some security messages on login that I didn't quite get to before the first launch. As long as there are no more bugs found, I am going to take a break for a few days while people play around with it before I get started on the next round of features. There is a lot to come.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've updated the software with a few interface enhancements, photo uploads, product database, implemented google maps api instead of just links to google, and quite a few other things as well. I still have a lot of work ahead of me though to build the frontend community features and the business directory.


Also, there is now a demo mode which you can access by logging in with the username 'demo' and password 'demo123'. Demo users can do whatever they like with the customer, cars and details, but they cannot edit account settings, or edit the product database. Also, keep in mind, it is a demo account accessible to others, please do not put real customer data in it.

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