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Hydraulic suspension on a LGT?


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No no no, I do not want to get some three wheel motion going on in the wagon. :lol:


It is just this past weekend I was up at a buddies cabin snowplowing around. As i was shoveling myself out of a bit of highsideness, I though to myself, it would be nice to be able to raise up a bit in these situations. My friend in high school had a jeep with air bags on it just for that reason. I believe Audi runs a system that drops their wagon lower at higher speeds. I would prefer to be low and then hit a switch to raise up a bit.


Just curious if anyone here had looked into it and/or actually hooked up their ride Snoop Dogg style. HA



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I am no expert, but I think you mean pneumatic rather than hydraulic. My mothers envoy has bags in the back that self level if you are hauling crap in it.


My understanding is that hydraulic gives you a quicker lift. Also, i want to keep the sporty feel of the LGT and so my inkling was towards a hydraulic rather than air bags. I could be totally off on the driveability comparison. I would hate to compromise on the vehicles handling.


Never had a vehicle that i needed to consider it. Tried to do a search here and google but came up with no examples on our vehicle. Plenty on '64 Impala examples.



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Just for a reference, and granted it's only for a reference but, Benz hydraulic parts are far from cheap. $1500/ea for struts, ~$900 for the pump, the lines are around $600-750 each and there's multiple lines. More than just 4, think about 8-10 lines. Then certain systems use a specific type of hydraulic fluid that you can only get from a dealer. Try around $50/quart and most cars need 10-15 quarts by the time it's filled, tested, and bled.
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