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advices please from LGT owners.

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Since I have been driving MT since I was really young (8-9, driving tractor at my parent's farm) it has never been any problems driving manual. Even though the unsynchronized gearboxes of tractors sucks, but that's a different story...


2 clutch pedals, 3 gear shifters can lead to an amazing amount of wrong... :)

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Since I have been driving MT since I was really young (8-9, driving tractor at my parent's farm) it has never been any problems driving manual. Even though the unsynchronized gearboxes of tractors sucks, but that's a different story...


2 clutch pedals, 3 gear shifters can lead to an amazing amount of wrong... :)

i've driven something similar to that... ugh.


try driving a Skid steer for the first time, with no instructions... and a sticky throttle. that was fun.


i had to buy a new tire for the Blazer last summer, bought it at walmart and had them put it on the rim. was talking to the old guy running the auto dept. they were having problems getting the bead to seal.

he was telling me that he's pretty sure his job is secure, but wasn't so sure some of the others there would be staying. a regular customer comes in to change his oil in his old cars, and the old guy is the only one in the store that can drive a 3 on the tree. :lol: one of the young guys jumps in, see the clutch and the old guy there was laughing his head off watching the kid trying to figure out why the guy had an automatic, with a clutch.... :lol:

I guess the guy has like 2-3 cars with the old 3 on the tree MT, brings them in regularly to have walmart change his oil.



oh BTW, i'm not knocking those vids at all. was just pointing out how i drive. and i do like how he has the little box in the corner with the view of his footwork along with the big screen showing him driving, nice. and i assume... that a lot of what i was pointing out how he was driving, is because he has the second camera showing his footwork. it's probably on purpose to show the viewer. I've seen the entire first vid, watched part of the third. so far i'd reccomend anyone to watch them, nicely done.

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I used to be a driving instructor, backlash is saying all the right things.



- If you fully press the clutch in does it also wear down? I am making a turn while slowing down, I dont want the car to die so i keep it pressed all the way down, then shift the right gear. I'm afraid it might stall if i don't hold the clutch down. advices please....





Don't do this^^^^ It doesn't do any damage to the car but you have zero control over the car, if you need to get out of a situation or need power out there is nothing there, and belive it or not you have less grip on the road and are much less likely to get the car turned all the way in and whre you want it. It is also hard to stop the car when doing this as you are not using any gear at all. When going round the corner/bend at slow speed, keep your foot on the clutch pedal, but don't depress it. If you feel the car begining to shudder depress it slightly and touch the gas. It is common to stall when learning to drive a manual transmission car, don't worry about it. I do it even now from time to time and I'm 46 and have been driving manual cars since the age of 12.

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I used to be a driving instructor, backlash is saying all the right things.




Don't do this^^^^ It doesn't do any damage to the car but you have zero control over the car, if you need to get out of a situation or need power out there is nothing there, and belive it or not you have less grip on the road and are much less likely to get the car turned all the way in and whre you want it. It is also hard to stop the car when doing this as you are not using any gear at all. When going round the corner/bend at slow speed, keep your foot on the clutch pedal, but don't depress it. If you feel the car begining to shudder depress it slightly and touch the gas. It is common to stall when learning to drive a manual transmission car, don't worry about it. I do it even now from time to time and I'm 46 and have been driving manual cars since the age of 12.


great! I will practice that. I like that idea!

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