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Spec B?

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Spec b=better suspension, summer only tires(kidna dumb on a AWD sedan i know), nav system, 6 speed and rear diff, nicer seats.

It is? How? The B is marketed more as the more sporty model. Wouldn't it make sense for it to have high performance rubber? I don't wanna be doing an Auto-X on all seasons. I can name quite a few AWD sport sedans that have performance tires on them.

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Yeah and its dumb, The spec b isnt a sports car its a sport sedan. Most people who own one use it as there DD. And more people want AWD cars who live in areas with snow, that is why an AWD sedan with summer only tires is DUMB no matter how many cars you have seen it on.


If i lived in an area that didnt get snow or very very little i would not own an AWD car.

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Yeah and its dumb, The spec b isnt a sports car its a sport sedan. Most people who own one use it as there DD. And more people want AWD cars who live in areas with snow, that is why an AWD sedan with summer only tires is DUMB no matter how many cars you have seen it on.


If i lived in an area that didnt get snow or very very little i would not own an AWD car.


I'm in an area that saw over 170 inches of snow last year and I'm still glad my Spec.B came with summer tires on it. Think about what you said, SPORT SEDAN, maybe that's the reason it's running summer tires huh? SPORT SEDAN... People don't solely buy AWD just because they get snow; they buy it for it's many other advantages also. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I got mine and you have yours. It obviously is going to vary by the person that owns the vehicle. Not that I know many Spec.B owners, but the ones that I do have NEVER replaced their summer rubber for all seasons, that would just be plain dumb. They have a dedicated summer set and a dedicated winter set, the most ideal setup to run. All seasons are just plain junk and a waste of money.


By the way, the STi is a sedan with summer only tires... Oh wait! That must be dumb too...

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Yes it is dumb, 90% people get new AWD cars to drive all year not just in summer. If i buy a brand new car that i intend to use as a DD and have to buy new tires for it a month later because it gets cold then thats just retarded. GG on spending 34k and then another 400-500 on tires once again just adding price to the spec b and making it that much more unappealing to the average driver. And dont fool yourself the spec b and lgt are nice cars but they are for the average driver, who uses his car for more than just summertime fun.


Opinion is one thing, but fact is fact. How many people on this forum use there lgt or spec b for a summer only car? Almost none, we almost all use these as our DDs, now think about all the people who own this car but are not on thise site, most of them are just regular people not enthusiasts who dont mod there cars and just use them as a DD. When i was on the ls1 forums almost all the cars were nice weather only and almost everyone had DDs. So cars like that can come with summer tires, cars you wouldnt expect someone to even attempt to drive in the snow. But an AWD car with 250hp is DD, plain and simple.

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Yes it is dumb, 90% people get new aWD cars to drive all year not just in summer. If i buy a brand new car that i intend to use as a DD and have to buy new tires for it a month later because it gets cold then thats just retarded. GG on spending 34k and then another 400-500 on tires once again just adding price to the spec b and making it that much more unappealing to the average driver. And dont fool yourself the spec b and lgt are nice cars but they are for the average driver, who uses his car for more than just summertime fun.


I live in a summer-only climate, and love the specB with the Bridgestone RE050A tires.....Why? Because if you live anywhere where you have a fair amount of rain, you have good traction. Think traction and a good summer/rain tire is ideal with AWD.


A difference of opinion. Plus, if you are in a snowbelt area, you just go online to the Tire Rack and get a set of 4 snow tires. Problem solved.

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I live in a summer-only climate, and love the specB with the Bridgestone RE050A tires.....Why? Because if you live anywhere where you have a fair amount of rain, you have good traction. Think traction and a good summer/rain tire is ideal with AWD.


A difference of opinion. Plus, if you are in a snowbelt area, you just go online to the Tire Rack and get a set of 4 snow tires. Problem solved.


Thank you! Someone who actually has logic and can make some sense out of things unlike some others on here.


Yes it is dumb, 90% people get new AWD cars to drive all year not just in summer. If i buy a brand new car that i intend to use as a DD and have to buy new tires for it a month later because it gets cold then thats just retarded. GG on spending 34k and then another 400-500 on tires once again just adding price to the spec b and making it that much more unappealing to the average driver. And dont fool yourself the spec b and lgt are nice cars but they are for the average driver, who uses his car for more than just summertime fun.


Opinion is one thing, but fact is fact. How many people on this forum use there lgt or spec b for a summer only car? Almost none, we almost all use these as our DDs, now think about all the people who own this car but are not on thise site, most of them are just regular people not enthusiasts who dont mod there cars and just use them as a DD. When i was on the ls1 forums almost all the cars were nice weather only and almost everyone had DDs. So cars like that can come with summer tires, cars you wouldnt expect someone to even attempt to drive in the snow. But an AWD car with 250hp is DD, plain and simple.



To 05gtguru: It doesn't matter to me spending an extra 400-500 anyways! If I bought a GT I'd need to spend that same money on summer performance tires, then the same money again in winter to buy winter tires! I would NEVER run all seasons, never in winter and never in summer. So your point is moot.


You make me laugh so hard! My car is a daily driver and I do just fine in winter. It's called being smart and responsible. I take my summers off and put my winters on. When it gets warm again at the end of winter, the winters come off and summers go back on. Plus your typical Joe Blow doesn't go in to a Subaru dealership and walk out with a Spec.B unless they know what one is. Most dealers aren't gonna push Spec.Bs onto just anybody, in fact, they wait for someone to ask about the Spec.B. My dealer and I had a chat about them when I was looking. Most B owners go into the dealer with that vehicle in mind. Having AWD and summer performance tires just lets you have even more fun at the limit with any vehicle.

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I live in a summer-only climate, and love the specB with the Bridgestone RE050A tires.....Why? Because if you live anywhere where you have a fair amount of rain, you have good traction. Think traction and a good summer/rain tire is ideal with AWD.


A difference of opinion. Plus, if you are in a snowbelt area, you just go online to the Tire Rack and get a set of 4 snow tires. Problem solved.


Yes you can just go online and order tires, which is kinda pointless if you just spent 35k on a car and then have to spend more on it. When i spend that kinda cash i should get all that i need, Nothing less.

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Yes you can just go online and order tires, which is kinda pointless if you just spent 35k on a car and then have to spend more on it. When i spend that kinda cash i should get all that i need, Nothing less.

All that you need?:lol::lol: Yea RE92s just what you need...have fun! All seasons don't let you maximize the vehicles true capabilities. Clearly you dont care though. Frankly, I'm surprised. Judging by the fact you're stage II I would picture you as an enthusiast, someone who possibly tracks their car, someone who would appreciate some extra bite. I know there are MANY on these boards who will agree with me. Dedicated setups are the most fun and the safest way to go!

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Lol, i am an enthusiast i have had many cars for that. I dont track this car, i agree the stock re-92s arent great but they allow to drive in any weather thats for sure. I used them and we had over 100 inches of snow last winter and they had 40kmiles on them and i was never stuck or had trouble once, even driving though snow that was past the bottom of the door. I dont not have the RE-92s anymore nor do i have stock brakes so this winter should be even easier. I bought this car when my daughter was born because i didnt want her riding in a 500rwhp+ trans am or supra.
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It is not a waste of money, first of all you should :rtfm: it recommends winter tires for all AWD Subarus if you get ice & snow in your area . This way you get the best of both worlds and not a performance car that is compromised by all season tires.

Hello fellow Mainely Subaru-er!


Lol, i am an enthusiast i have had many cars for that. I dont track this car, i agree the stock re-92s arent great but they allow to drive in any weather thats for sure. I used them and we had over 100 inches of snow last winter and they had 40kmiles on them and i was never stuck or had trouble once, even driving though snow that was past the bottom of the door. I dont not have the RE-92s anymore nor do i have stock brakes so this winter should be even easier. I bought this car when my daughter was born because i didnt want her riding in a 500rwhp+ trans am or supra.

That says enough... I'm done beating a dead horse. Have fun with your all-seasons.

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For what it’s worth, I agree with 05GT Guru. Where do Subaru sell most of their cars in the US? Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho…. What is common amongst these states? Can you guess? All seasons are good in any climate. I'd know, I live in Montana during the winter months and Florida for the summer. I've never had any problems with the RE92's. Up in MT last winter we got 260" of snow, and record heat in the summer in Florida. I think it’s ludicrous that they can even think about selling a car like this with dedicated summer tires.
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For what it’s worth, I agree with 05GT Guru. Where do Subaru sell most of their cars in the US? Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho…. What is common amongst these states? Can you guess? All seasons are good in any climate. I'd know, I live in Montana during the winter months and Florida for the summer. I've never had any problems with the RE92's. Up in MT last winter we got 260" of snow, and record heat in the summer in Florida. I think it’s ludicrous that they can even think about selling a car like this with dedicated summer tires.


Ok, so go buy a GT and you'll be fine! In fact, you'll save 5 grand in the process! Oh, I know, lets put RE92s on the STi, that's what that car is missing!

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I have a GT thanks....i'm not sure i know what you mean? I'd definatly put all seasons on an STi if i had one, its more practical for me. I work six days a week and don't have time to screw around with my car. Nor do i have the money to buy another set of rims + tires, all of my money goes into keeping my family happy, warm and safe. Sorry but some of us have responsabilities.
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I have a GT thanks....i'm not sure i know what you mean? I'd definatly put all seasons on an STi if i had one, its more practical for me. I work six days a week and don't have time to screw around with my car. Nor do i have the money to buy another set of rims + tires, all of my money goes into keeping my family happy, warm and safe. Sorry but some of us have responsabilities.

As do I. One of my responsibilities is ensuring both my safety and safethy of others when I am driving. One way I do this is when winter comes, I take off my summer tires and replace them with winter tires. Winter tires that will out perform any of the all seasons tires you are running. There are reasons that certain places (Sadly none in the US yet) require winter tires to be used starting in November.


As to the comment I made, it came off more brash than I meant for it to. What I was getting at is the GT comes with all-seasons, rather than dedicated summer tires that you are so adamantly against. Different strokes for different folks. We all have our preferences and priorities.

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In the summer: summer performance tires are better (and safer) than all seasons.


In the winter: winter tires are better (and safer) than all seasons.


All-seasons are a compromise every month of the year.


If you mod your car the best upgrade for the money that you can make to improve handling and braking is better tires.


I had planned on buying on a GT instead of a Spec.B but none were available so I ended up with a B. The first thing I had planned on doing to a GT was buy some 18's with summer rubber and put snow tires on the factory 17's.


Just because a car is daily driver, doesn't mean it has to be handicapped with all seasons.

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Oh i'm sure they do a better job, but on my RE92's last winter I had no problems whatsoever. They had as much grip as i needed and more, like i said they are far better suited to my needs than 2 sets of dedicated tires. Anywho we're way off topic, post #5 has all the info you need Djecl1pse
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