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Grocery shopping for broke people


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Ok so I just showed up to PSU and I've realized that eating at Panera and whatever is costing way too much and that I need to bite the bullet and grocery shop. I was wondering what suggestions you guys have for the following:


Not disgusting but I understand it ain't gonna be spectacular


CHEAP: More food, less money


Easy to make


Not going to make me die at a young age


You get the idea...


What are some doos and don't for cheap shopping and making the food last?

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Ramen noodles, Mac&Cheese
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Ramen noodles, Mac&Cheese


Not going to make me die at a young age



hahaha, prob want to stay away from those two since they probably aren't that healthy but ok once in a while. usually making pasta is pretty cheap, a lot of places sell 1lb of pasta for <$1. in general carb loading is probably the cheapest way to do it, rice, pasta, bread etc

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Black Beans and Rice, take the recipe off the Goya Black Beans can and spice it up how you like, cheap and good.


American Chop Suey- Make a huge batch- leftovers will last you for a week

2lbs Elbows or pasta of your preference

2lbs Ground beef

Hunts tomato sauce from can

Plum tomatoes/diced tomatoes

Onion and Green Bell pepper.

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My first year of College:


Easy Mac

Ramen Noodles


Bologna Sammich(sp?)



This covers the basics. Remember, pastas (like spaghetti) are cheap. Get the store brand.


Also, whats your situation? Are you in a dorm, do you have a stove? Do you have a meal plan in your caf?


If you have a meal plan as part of room and board, use it. If you want to mix it up and you have a stove; ground turkey is half the price of ground beef and comparable in flavor, with the right seasoning. So you can make burgers, chili, meat sauce, etc.


I still live like this and I've been out of college and working for several years.

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bag of potatoes, onions, garlic. those three ingredients can be used to make a multitude of dishes and will cost you $10 or less.


:whore: on the spaghetti too...I used to make a big batch on a Sunday night....it'd get me through the week.

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Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Carrots, Beans, Cabbage as base, add some meat or egg for protein.


You can actually cut down to a rather small piece of beef or ham in your food if you feel it's expensive. Buying a large solid piece of meat and then cut it and freeze the pieces yourself can help.


Tomatoes, onions and other vegetables makes good addition.


Spices to vary with. Just experiment. White pepper is good to almost everything.


Or you can stick with making chili with a lot of beans and a small amount of meat all week. ;) Dave's Insanity sauce in the chili will keep you from eating too much. :eek:


A Cabbage tip:

Fry thinly sliced cabbage, season it with apple vinegar and some syrup, eat together with ham or bacon.


And don't forget to hang out the sign:




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Chili Mac: One can of chili, one box of Mac&Cheese. Shred some real cheese into it. Add a can of corn. Mix. Magic. Feeds two!


Hard boiled eggs: Put eggs in a pot deep enough to cover them with about two inches of water. Cover, set burner to High until pot starts boiling. Turn off heat and set timer for 10 minutes (2 minutes longer if you use glass cookware instead of metal). When dinger goes off, flush with cold water to cool down rapidly. Cook 6 at a time. Cooked food stores better than raw food.


Chop and mix eggs into ramen, or tuna, or just peel and eat.


Bananas: come in their own wrapper, good for your muscles (potassium).

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You can eat healthy mac/cheese and PB&J, you know. Just buy better quality stuff. Yes it'll cost a little extra, but still a lot cheaper than eating out all the time. :D You can also consider checking out a wholesale club membership. For example, BJ's Wholesale is near us, and we buy Annie's mac/cheese products. Either organic or natural, one of the two I forget. Very good, way better than Kraft. And it's cheap. For the PB&J you can get a better jelly/jam and go for natural peanut butter (which takes a bit of getting used to but is SO much better).


Ramen is horrid stuff, never did like it. You're better off with a big bag of egg noodles or plain pasta, and either buy sauce you like or just dice some tomatoes to put on top. Or stick with butter on the pasta, maybe pepper or Italian seasoning.


This is all stuff I wish I'd done in college, so you're getting it with 20/20 hindsight. :D

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