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ROMRaider and OpenECU Websites not working?


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So I have everything I need to reflash my '05 LGT's ecu EXCEPT the updated XML definitions file, which I can only get from romraider.com or openecu.com. Only problem is, neither of those sites seem to be working. I registered for Openecu.org, recieved an email saying my account had been activated, but when I try to log in it says not a valid username. At romraider.com, I can't even register because It is telling me i am using "forbidden characters" in my proposed username..which is just wrong. Neither of these sites has any kind of contact or support information. Messages to Romraider's support@romraider.com come back as "unknown recipient." So if anybody has any other ideas for me, or if anyone just HAS THE MOST RECENT ECUFLASH DEFINITIONS FILE can you please get back to me so we can possibly exchange the less than 1MB xml file. Thanks.
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The ecu defs for RomRaider have nothing to do with flashing your ecu via ECUFlash. RomRaider is working fine for me, i've been on all morning. Unless I am missing something you will be fine with the old defs especially if you are just flashing.
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