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Yes, That's A Subaru Outback On The Track!


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Can you get a running Subaru Outback for under 500 bucks? Having a team full of accountants means that you can do some Enron-style bookkeeping and put a smile on the LeMons Supreme Court Justices' faces with your very convincing documentation (however good that theory seemed, it didn't quite work out quite that way in practice). UDMan talked to the Bean Counters Racing team; jump away to read their story.

Bean Counters Racing


Listen up guys. They have a female driver, who is not only hot on the track, but is also gifted with facts and figures (She also works for PWC, so get your mind out of the gutter). This is a team that was assessed a 40 lap penalty because Jay thought the car was worth more. The Accountants should have their documentation in place….


SOURCE = http://jalopnik.com/5041058/yes-thats-a-subaru-outback-on-the-track

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