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RomRaider - why it doesn't log some parameters/stops logging when selecte


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Anyone know why when I turn on some parameters in RomRaider (e.g. FLKC) it can't read them from the ECU and it stops the whole logging process? The first time this happened I kept trying to reconnect my cable until I realized that if I just "deselected" these items, RomRaider started working fine again. Problem is, I want to log these parameters.
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You are likely logging too many parameters. Some are more costly than others especially the 4-byte extended parameters. Remember, the more you log, the less resolution there will be and the ECU will not respond after a certain point.


You should download and install the latest logger defs, which will allow you to log the engineer parameters, many of which are the same as the extended parameters.

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Lt Blue -- I don't have the ST key in...should I? Also, should I just use the ST logging function (it does log, right?). Whatever I use I want it to log my LC-1 too.


Merchgod, I thought about that and haven't tried, say, just selecting the one or two by themselves. I had deselected quite a few though when I tried things like FLKC. I'll give that a try (e.g. only log FLKC). Once selected, it basically starts searching for the ECU ("connecting..."), then says it can't then tries, then says it cant....yada yada.

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Andy: Don't have the ST key fob in, also, use RR to log, so much better!


Merchgod: I tried logging the 4-bit and the 2-bit extended parameters, and (at least on the ones I tried) there was no difference. Can you explain them better.

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