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How to remove center compartment?


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I ran a couple of cables from my spare tire compartment up to the dashboard today, and ended up going under the passenger seat because I couldn't figure out how to get the center storage compartments out. There are two screws under the rear compartment (where the aux power socket is), and apparently there's something holding it down up front (between the parking brake and the shift lever) but I couldn't figure out how to get in there.


Can anyone tell me the secret? :)



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Did you eat you Wheaties? Really though first you engage the e-brake and then you remove the boot around it.You can accomplish this by just pulling up on the leather (In my case there is always one clip that is stubborn so from the hole made by the other clips being released I put in a screwdriver and jimmy open the last clip) Then I take the two screws out from inside the compartment and just pull while holding somewhere around the front most cup holder.
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