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Warped Floor in Back...


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My friends and I went camping the other day, and I forgot to install the weather-liner into the back of the car. It wouldn't have been a big deal, but it basically turned into a violent evening of pouring rain and high winds and lightning and hail and tornado watches so we decided to leave. We tossed everything into the trunk (wet) and now, three days later, I opened the trunk to realize that the floor had warped on the end closest to the hatch. I guess it's just some sort of cardboard or something easily affected by water (why not plastic dammit). Does anyone here have any idea as to how I could fix this? It really sucks, and I really would like to be able to restore it. Thanks!
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if it's warped don't think there is much you can do except replace it. perhaps buy a slab of board cut it out to the dimensions you need and take it to an upholstry shop.
258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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