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Please Help...Did i mess up?


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I just bought two of these to replace my map light



I replaced them but i noticed that the LED bulbs dont have a flat piece of metal on the ends like the stock bulbs. The LED bulbs said they would fit, and they do fit, VERY tight fit. However when i turn the power on, nothing happens. Ideas?

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Did you try turning them around? LEDs usually only work one way. I bought the puddle lamps from FastWRX and was about to complain and then I tried installing the other way and they came right on.
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I would post some but im trying to figure out how to cut out the cloudy part where the light shines through. Its not bright enough in the car so i think by removing it and replacing it with a clear piece it will be much brighter....any ideas....cuz im so lost. how do you cut plastic?
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