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Tint In Md Look Out!


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:spin:well i have had my car for years now and been tinted since i bought it...... no problems now the police are crackin down hard in the frederick area they got me today:mad: made me take it off and gave me a damn 60 dollar fine BS anywho just letting you all know watch out in frederick area if u gots some tint


later on

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was that the only ticket they issued? I know there are a couple LEOs on the board; maybe they can chime in but from what understand (at least in VA) you have to be stopped for a moving violation (speeding, no turn signal, failure to follow a posted sign, etc.) before they can begin writing citations for equipment violations (tint, exhaust, reflectors, broken glass, etc.)
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Really I got stopped for my TINT alone by a Statie on 66. Court comming up in a few weeks.

was that the only ticket they issued? I know there are a couple LEOs on the board; maybe they can chime in but from what understand (at least in VA) you have to be stopped for a moving violation (speeding, no turn signal, failure to follow a posted sign, etc.) before they can begin writing citations for equipment violations (tint, exhaust, reflectors, broken glass, etc.)
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You should confirm this on your own before using it as defense in court;)


Pour thru




maybe you can find something of use.


I got a VA tint ticket about a month ago, I just paid it, even though my vehicle is not registered in VA:spin:

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...just goto your optometrist and have him write you a prescription tint do to your eyes being sensitivity to sunlight!







i got one and the Ahole said that all i have to do is wear sunglasses



oh and in md they can pull you over for just tint

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^ They always do. I think their meters are calibrated lower also because in my last car I had 20% and it always read 15% when I got pulled. Now I have 35% and the one time I got pulled over it was 25%.


Could be, I told the shop to install 35% but the meter showed 15%

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They are supposed to meter the window to be able to enforce the law. I know there have been issues with calibration of meters (mainly with them not being calibrated as specified or not factoring in the % of error ).

Most courts accept the trooper's reading at face value, so good luck.

Vir Est Fatum Ut Perficio Concepta Suus Progenies. - Man is destined to fulfill the capacity of his lineage (i.e. Darwinism):rolleyes:

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Could be, I told the shop to install 35% but the meter showed 15%

Yours is definetly lower than 35% even with factory tint factored in.


I've been pulled over for an exhaust in VA with a car that had PA tags and was perfectly legal there. I don't know what the rules are for them being able to pull you over, but I have a feeling that if they want to pull you they will come up with something.

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They can certainly pull you over. Most senior officers will use it as an excuse to see if you are under DUI, etc. and then let you go with a warning. I've had my share of tint tickets and other equipment tickets.


I have the prescription for photophobia from the doctor. You have to send that prescription along with some paperwork to the DMV in Richmond in order to receive a special registration that allows for darker tint. The darkest it allows is still 35% all around including the front window.

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Yours is definetly lower than 35% even with factory tint factored in.


I've been pulled over for an exhaust in VA with a car that had PA tags and was perfectly legal there. I don't know what the rules are for them being able to pull you over, but I have a feeling that if they want to pull you they will come up with something.


Yeah mine is pretty dark.




As far as VA police stopping out of state vehicles for tint the law reads


1. No sun-shading or tinting films may be applied or affixed to the rear side windows or rear window or windows of any motor vehicle operated on the highways of this Commonwealth that reduce the total light transmittance of such window to less than 35 percent;


2. No sun-shading or tinting films may be applied or affixed to the front side windows of any motor vehicle operated on the highways of this Commonwealth that reduce total light transmittance of such window to less than 50 percent;




The laws for exhaust are similar


No person shall drive and no owner of a vehicle shall permit or allow the operation of any such vehicle on a highway unless it is equipped with an exhaust system in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual levels of noise; provided however, that for motor vehicles, such exhaust system shall be of a type installed as standard factory equipment, or comparable to that designed for use on the particular vehicle as standard factory equipment. An exhaust system shall not be deemed to prevent excessive or unusual noise if it permits the escape of noise in excess of that permitted by the standard factory equipment exhaust system of private passenger motor vehicles or trucks of standard make.



It's BS and just one of the resons why I don't see myself become a permanent resident of VA


Sorry to the OP if all this talk 'bout VA feels off topic, I know the thread is supposed to be 'bout MD

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