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Door panels

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Crazy idea, but.... Don't scrape your feet on the door when you enter/exit and you wont have to worry about it. :) Beyond that windex outta get out any heavier dirt scuffs you get.


Every time I get in and out I consciously place my feet in/out as to not scrape or otherwise bang against shit. It takes about .5 seconds longer at most.

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I will be the first to recommned not using the Magic Eraser and Simple Green. Simple Green can fade and discolor plastic. The Magic Eraser is abrasive and can scratch. Better safe than sorry I always say. If the scuffs are just simple dirt any interior cleaner should do the trick. 1Z makes an excellent plastic cleaner and interior protectant.
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Its the marks you get on wood floors when you have marking soles. If you have dress shoes and you swipe the edge of the sole on the floor you sometimes will get a black streak. Thats what you get on the side skirt of the Legacy if you don't lift your legs up high enough getting in or out of the car.
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Ok, let me chime in on several of the suggestions so far.


DO NOT use any of the following:


Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Simple Green

Goo Gone

Just about any General Cleaning Product


But why? Well, most of the cleaning products will contain ammonia or other chemical cleaners that are not safe on vinyl, plastic or rubber. They will discolor, crack, and generally damage those surfaces. For that matter, don't use those cleaners for the windows or gauge surfaces either. When cleaning windows, you'll likely get overspray which ends up on the dash or other surfaces ... not good. As for the Magic Eraser, it is an abrasive product (and rather effective abrasive at that) which will damage the surface and remove the texture of the plastic. You'll basically get a "shiny" spot on the panel and it will look stupid.


What SHOULD you do?


Well, the suggestion of 303 cleaner is a good one! Otherwise, what I'll usually use is a very mild soap and water mixture with a soft cloth and gently scrub until clean. If it still isn't getting clean, carefully inspect it and make sure you aren't trying to clean a physical scuff - if that's the case, no amount of cleaning will fix it. After using a mild soap mix on it, I am always sure to treat it with an interior dressing as the soap alone can really dry out the materials you're cleaning and possibly cause cracking or oxidation of the plastic. Personally, I use Poorboy's World Natural Look interior dressing which leaves a non-greasy matte finish.


And as for cleaning glass and gauges, I use Stoner's Invisible Glass since it is a non-ammonia cleaner safe for automotive interiors.




As an aside "WTF?" - I had to add the words "gauge" and "Firefox" to the Firefox spell check dictionary!

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I guess I'm not sure. I would think that it would be mildly abrasive - but so minor it would have little impact. It probably wouldn't hurt anything, but I tend to stick to what I know and trust.
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