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Dealership called E.T.A. 10 days

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Found a message in my voice mail from yesterday. The salesman says the car should be here in 10 days. I called him back today but he was off. I am guessing he has my VIN and invoice. How much stock should I put into this "10 days"? I will call him in the morning and speak with him. Should I leave explicit instructions that the car not be test driven by anyone or is this something they wont due because it's sold already? Think these guys would put 89 in the tank? Thought about that one as well i'd rather pay for the first tank myself than have 89 even though I plan on going easy on her.
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my car was not messed up by the detailing. but my buddy bought an STi and when they waxed it, they swirled it to shit, got wax all over the rubber trims, etc... my car i think had 91 when i took delivery. of course, they had to get it specially from a dealership 200 miles away and sent their gopher to drive it back. and who the hell knows what that old man did with it?
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Guest *Jedimaster*
I'd put some stock in the 10 day estimate. Maybe sooner- he might think it's coming in 7, but tell you 10 just in case. Mine came in right as I went on vacation and I had to wait to get it until I returned. I knew it might come in if things went right, but I figured they wouldn't- that's what I get for being so damn positive. Didn't matter in my case anyway because once I did get back there were paperwork problems from my trade and a holiday messed things up so nothing could be faxed until the next week. :mad:
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lol. Take it from me. I happen to be a salesman at a dealer. When I bought my GT ltd. I did EVERYTHING myself, including waxing, PDI-ing, filling it up etc... The guys prepped a black/gold STi a week before I got my car, and they messed it up. There were scratches everywhere! Not deep scratches, but the swirl type from using a dirty towel or applicator or something. I told them they screwed that car up big time, and when I got my car, they told me they weren't going to touch it.


But, he should be telling you the info he has. It might be a day or two longer depending on the roads, and time of year. I went and picked up my car from another dealer and put all the miles on it, so I knew where it was and whatnot. There's a TON of paperwork to deal with that you guys don't see. And on top of that, this business rely's on everyone who rely's on everyone else. If someone forgets a fax, than one person has to wait, and everyone who's waiting on that person has to wait etc.... It's crazy sometimes. You'll be happy when it comes in though. It's WORTH the WAIT!

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I called the dealership and he said the car is slated arrive next weekend. He had only a "partial" VIN he said they only give him the last 8 digits that they will contact him soon with the full VIN. Does this sound right? He said he will call me with it so I can set up my insurance and to make a pick up appointment. I will meet with the "Bussiness manager" the day I pick the car up. What can expect out of this "bussiness manager"?
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My dealer emailed me the vehicle VIN and order number about 2 weeks ago. ATT ETD was 1/1/2005. I wanted to make sure that I had my insurance binder all set up so there would be no delays at the dealership when I went to pick up the car so I gave them a call to check on delivery and was told that, with the holidays and weather, there was a delay in getting the car from Portland, OR where it's being accessorized. New ETD is 1/14/2005.


The owner said that she would try to fax me a copy of the invoice but unfortunately I wasn't at home to turn on the fax so I didn't receive it. Called the dealership later that evening and they attempted to find the invoice but apparently were not able to access the invoice. They did forward me a dealer vehicle inquiry based on my VIN in the Subaru Star System and everything is exactly as ordered. Just waiting on the invoice and confirmed delivery date.


System-wise, the dealer should have access to your whole VIN now, especially if it's been ordered. Ask them to do a Subaru Star System check for your car.



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