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Need Good Pork Recipe


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How about vietnamese style chops?


They tend to be grilled but you can fry them.


The key is the marinade:


a couple shallots, couple cloves garlic, few tablespoons of sugar and couple tablespoons of fish sauce. marinate overnight, then grill and serve with rice and nuoc cham sauce:


5 tablespoons sugar

3 tablespoons water

1/3 cup fish sauce (nuoc mam)

1/2 cup lime or lemon juice (about 3 limes or 2 lemons)

1 large clove garlic, crushed, peeled, and sliced or minced

1 or more bird's eye or Thai chilies, seeded, and sliced or minced

1 shallot, peeled, thinly sliced, rinsed, and drained (optional)



been awhile since i've had that.. though i've never tried to make it myself... this is pretty good

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BTW - Pork is the ideal meat for brining. Soak it in water, vinegar and sugar & spice overnight and you will have a dramatically more moist final piece of meat. Lots of pork is pretty lean and can become tough when cooked beyond medium.
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been awhile since i've had that.. though i've never tried to make it myself... this is pretty good


Yeah one of my fav vietnamese dishes, I used to eat it out all the time then I looked it up, super easy to make, there might be some lime juice in the marinade as well I forget, they also use the marinade for chicken, just as good.

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For tenderloin I usually do a garlic, rosemary and salt rub on the outside.


Sear it in a saute' pan and then stick it in the oven to finish it off.


For pork chops I cheat. I found a phenomonal pork seasoning from Savory Spices in Denver. I use that for pork and chicken and love it. Grilled or sauted


Wife and I usually get our spices from either savory or penzeys.




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