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Broken Heart



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  1. 1. I'm...

    • ...overreacting and being a drama queen!
    • ...truely broken hearted and suffering from a broken rim!

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Well, not technically but sort of...


What do you think? I just picked up my legacy GT limited Sedan on Thursday afternoon, my car has 775 miles on it and it is barely 5 days old. I just rounded a corner on my way back to work from a lunch break when I hit a HUGE pothole. The pothole was on a major road on the corner at a light. It was basically invisible, since it was at night, but it was also at least 5 or six inches deep and only had probably only a total diameter of 3 feet wide. It anhilated my entire feeling of new car bliss! It crushed me to have to jack up my brand new car in the brown colored slush filled parking lot of a fast food establishment to replace a possibly bent 17 inch alloy rim with a donut. My spirit was depleted faster than the air that came whoosing out of my potenza, which is even more usless now than it was before the unfortunate BANNNG..BANG... and that is what worries me the most! That second BANG, because that could have damaged the rear wheel. It is bad enough that I had to go back to work late with my broken tire in the tail of my car, but I could go out to my car later tonight to go home and find a second flat tire! A final blow to finish me off effectively and completely, draining every last bit of hope and desire for this new car that I have left in me. The future of my night was supposed to be filled with High Definition television, which I waited around all day today to get. Instead it will be a mix of sour emotions, cautious "donut" style driving in slushy brown weather and swapping tires in my cold wet driveway!


Is my heart broken... maybe... If it isn't now... It very well could be when I go out to my car later! :(

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Guest *Jedimaster*

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time :(


I had a scratch put in the side of mine last week, eliciting the very same feeling you're describing. And tonight I came out of a store to find a van parked literally 8 inches off the passenger side of the car. The person got out of the car, pushed the mirror back in order to get out and went in the store, apparently. There was no damage, but the inconsideration for my new car made me feel terrible. I checked the car thoroughly and then waited for the guy to come out of the store, ready to piss him off as much as he had pissed me off. Hoping against hope that he'd take a swing at me so I'd be "forced" to defend myself and get the aggravation out. But then I remembered that all in all, it's just a car, I'm too old to brawl for no good reason and there wasn't any damage done.

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It anhilated my entire feeling of new car bliss!


Same thing happened to me....but you get over it and love your car for what it is....no broken hearts...thats like u'r girl getting a scar on her arm or something...(bad example)....you'll still love her and not be broken hearted and leave...unless you're like that.

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I have to admit, I'm kind of...uh...detail oriented...when it comes to my cars. I park WAY far away from other cars in the lot. Like, 100 yards away. As a result, I get more exercise! It's a bonus! Also, my cars don't usually get door dings. But my friends think I'm nuts, and don't eve get my wife started about all this.


I'd be broken hearted about the wheel(s), but hey, you should be able to get a pretty good set of used rims for not too much. I haven't checked the Subaru parts warehouse for a price on the OEM wheel, but many are up over the $500 point, so I'd look into the $800 for a set of four barely used wheels/tires option...



Mach V


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Yeah... hey, Mach V... I've bought plenty of WRX parts from you guys! Great site, prices, and costumer service! Anyway, Yeah! I'm bummed! Time to go home... and see if the other tire is flat... if it is... I'll have to call the flat bed! doh! I mean Doh-nut!
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Yes , going after the town or state is a great idea. At least that worked for me here in RI. I can't vouch for your laws in MA.


Many years ago I hit a huge pothole on RT 95 doing 75 mph in teh fast lane. The pothole flexed the chassis so mush that my hood released and flipped back up into my windscreen....did I mention I was going 75. I managed to stop the car without hitting anyone/thing. Total damage was 2,000 bones.


RI has a law that allows you to file a claim if :

1. the pothole had already been reported to the DOT

2. you submit a police report, repair estimate


Unfortunately part of that same law limits the states' liability to 300$.


Good luck,


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I checked today... and that pothole was still there... I called the police and they said they'd mark it or take care of it! I put my BBS RKs from my old WRX on my car this morning! The tires are shot GY Eagle F! GS d3's, which used to be awesome, but are all but toast now! They suck in the cold weather, unless it is wet... So, I'm thinking about putting some nice tires on them, and worrying about the stockers at a later date!
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I have a little ding on the side of my car. I can't help but look at it everytime I walk to my car. My eyes fixed on it before it's even in sight. I can't even begin to imagine what you're going thru seeing the car in it's current state.

Well, at least there are nice rims on it now! worn-out tires, but they still look cool!

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Join the fscking club! I bent some parts too, need to do an insurance claim. The only reason there was damage other than the rim is because laterally the rim is totally unsprung, you get 100% of the force directly into your car. 5 mph, com'n. The tire was untouched yet I lost a good 2" chunk out of the rim.. yay....
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Join the fscking club! I bent some parts too, need to do an insurance claim. The only reason there was damage other than the rim is because laterally the rim is totally unsprung, you get 100% of the force directly into your car. 5 mph, com'n. The tire was untouched yet I lost a good 2" chunk out of the rim.. yay....

Ouch! Hey, by the way, where's the blue state?

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Take pictures of the pothole and get a rep estimate. In Tucson AZ a friend of mine hit a rock in the road that put him into a curb, causing a blown tire and scratched to hell and back wheel. The rock was non natural river rock put in the medians as landscaping for the desolate wasteland that is Arizona. The city paid for all the damage (somewhere around 420ish, it was a GM so i guess the wheel was cheaper).


I know this isnt the same thing, but if its the citys negligence to cone it off, its their fault. And about bein discouraged, if you get $600 for an hour worth of pictures paperwork and faxing, thats making 600 an hour.

No, the name has nothing to do with bragging about 20 inch wheels...
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