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I-70 Today....WTF!


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Not unique. The situations you describe occur everyday on I-10 in Arizona. And around Phoenix, forget it! Bleah. We're really lucky we only get snow in places we don't have many people, cause a little rain destroys 'em.
You're just jealous that the Voices talk to Me. :cool:
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I disagree with the bad drivers being from other states. No state I've ever been to produces drivers as god-awful as the drivers I find in Colorado.


I don't know what it is, but driver's here couldn't find their way out of an empty parking lot because they wouldn't have anyone to tailgate, no one to needlessly pass, and there's no median to crash into.


I love this state, but it produces retards for drivers.


Oh man, you hit right on! Colorado does have the most retarted drivers. When I lived in San Diego there was traffic, but nothing like this. Here you would be driving 70-75 on I25. Then some idiot would be doing 50mph in the fast lane pacing the car next to him. My 2cents!!!:)

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Here you would be driving 70-75 on I25. Then some idiot would be doing 50mph in the fast lane pacing the car next to him.


The worst part is when they seem to drive SLOWLY in that lane. And they won't pull over into the right lane to let you pass. They seem to be oblivious to anything being wrong with that.

Is the far left lane still considered a passing lane? or are those days long gone... i was pretty sure the police appreciate driving on the right; and passing on the right is still illegal correct?.... maybe no one cares about that anymore?:mad:


i don't pass on the right even when stuck behind someone going UNDER the speed limit, as those 18-wheelers i passed earlier fly by us in the right hand lane...


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It's because 90% of the "Colorado" drivers from Denver just moved here in the last 10 years from California :(


Or Texas. :lol: Got stuck behind this lady driving a big Dodge Ram with Texas plate on Saturday.

What's that joke about a Californian, Texan and Coloradan walk into a bar...

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Interesting, after living in SoCal for 2 years, the problems I see here directly correlate, w/ the added slow native Colorado drivers…


In CA, I noticed that 90% of the time, Traffic slowed down and jammed due to merging, or exiting, or because there was something to look at/someone pulled on to the side of the road.


Same thing in CO


In CA, the left lane is the low lane because EVERYONE goes there and stays, no matter what. This means that the “Slow Lane” actually becomes the passing lane ;)


Same in CO a lot of the time, but since there are fewer lanes normally, sometimes the trucks that are doing the right thing screw this up.


In CA, if it rains, everyone freaks out.


Same in CO, then when it snows, multiply it by 1000.


I have just decided that in general, all over the country, driving ability/knowledge/respect for others has gone down the crapper :( The only thing I have noticed unique to Colorado, different from CA, is the inability to stay in one’s own lane :(


Oh yeah, if you ever want to see what driving used to be like, go to Portland. When I would drive 5 above, it seemed like I was faster than 99.9% of the cars on the road by at least 5 mph. Also, they are in the left lane unless passing. AMAZING!!!!

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Let's face the truth, American drivers as a whole suck. Suck big time. People here just have no idea about driving, they merely move in their appliances without much regard for driving skills, paying attention, or courtesy.


Just drive once in Germany and you will hate American driver forever with passion.


It's a sad fact. I just did a cross-country trip and back and usually only less-populated red ;) states seem to be better in terms of lane discipline and proper singalling. But not that much more.


Interestingly, my best experience ever was in Maine perhaps due to the proximity to Canada for some reason - indeed driving in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and New Foundland was better than anywhere else in the US.

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Let's face the truth, American drivers as a whole suck. Suck big time. People here just have no idea about driving, they merely move in their appliances without much regard for driving skills, paying attention, or courtesy.


Just drive once in Germany and you will hate American driver forever with passion.


It's a sad fact. I just did a cross-country trip and back and usually only less-populated red ;) states seem to be better in terms of lane discipline and proper singalling. But not that much more.


Interestingly, my best experience ever was in Maine perhaps due to the proximity to Canada for some reason - indeed driving in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and New Foundland was better than anywhere else in the US.


The problem is that most US drivers treat driving as a "Right," as oppose to a "Privilege".

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This week some moron spun out his suv and crashed thru the cable guardrail into east bound traffic in ten mile canon on I-70 and knocked down on of the flashing icy road signs (it was also flashing the warning when he hit it).. :spin:
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Headed up to Breck today, figured we'd get in a couple of runs and hit up Breckenridge Brewery.


Snow was pretty good, still not much open, but it started coming down around noon. Well after a beer or two we headed back home and found ourselves in this :spin: ....




(sorry for the camera phone pic)

This pic was after the stand still and not even in the worst spots.


It was a dead stop from the Dillon exit until about 1/2 way up to the tunnel. There must have been 20+ cars stuck, or being pushed up the mtn. It was seriously nuts, tow trucks, people pushing their FWD cars up the highway. I don't think I have ever seen so much chaos on I-70.


Damn glad I was in the OBXT, slipped a couple of times starting off, but it was basically a slalom course getting around the other cars. It did make me happy I am getting new tires on Tuesday...the RE92's are about gone.


Freaking nuts.

That looks my trip down to Denver last Friday 7th night going to the Avs game, but it was 10x worse there were cars & trucks broken down & stuck in all three lanes. It took us 1.5 hous to get to downyville...

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