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AC question

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I did a search and found some helpful info. But, I want to let people know what I am noticing. Today it was about 96 degrees, and I turned my car on and pushed auto and turned the knobs down to 65 before i punched out for work. When I came back I noticed it wasn't blowing very cold sitting there, but when i started driving it went colder then at the stop light it went warm again. Then I started it tonight the temp was around 86 and the ac was fine. Anyone experience this? Thanks.
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Here's my experience and $0.02.


"Auto-Climate" and A/C don't work well together. Use the A/C in manual mode. It's also tempting to set the fan speed on "max" when trying to cool the car down on a real hot / humid day. That works but only gets you about 10 degrees cooler than outside air. The problem (I think) is too much air flow across the evap coil. Set the fan speed lower (3 - 4), and the air temp gest measurably colder but, certainly less volume. Within a couple of minutes you should see a diff. I'll admit, 96 is a strain on the Subie A/C.

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I have never had issues with mine....

Always keep the temp on 68* & the fan on the second notch even with the extra room of the wagon I'm always comfortable even with temps over 90 6mo out of the year.

Are your windows tinted??

It was 96* here yesterday with 78% humidity & my daughter asked me to turn the air up bc she was cold....

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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