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Just picked up a new Radar Detector!!!!!


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I just got the Whistler Pro 58 off of ebay shipped for 95 bucks gonna put it in tomorrow when I wake up I work nights so didn't get a chance yet. I'll let ya's know how it performs within the next couple of days. It got really good reviews from radar roy's site and was really cheap considering it performs as well as the 250-300 dollar models according to his tests.
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[quote name='mobilezen']I have never used a radar detector. I've had 1 ticket in the past 8 years and have sped plenty of times but never caught. I just use my noggin. :)[/QUOTE] OH...your gettin a ticket soon for that cocky remark.... :D (I know I do when I say something like that....never fails)
OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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[quote name='BoxerGT2.5']OH...your gettin a ticket soon for that cocky remark.... :D (I know I do when I say something like that....never fails)[/QUOTE] Eversince the 5th year....whenever I talk to my dad I always bring it up...so for the past 3 years, still nothing. He says "Ohhhhhhhhh, you better watch out" and I keep on laughing and he said "you just wait" and I waited....then he's the one that got the ticket. :D
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