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Falken ZE-912


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Been window shopping for tires, and came across these recommended by my local Evan's tire guys. They told me 912 replaces 512, which I have once used and liked very much. 912 is asymmetric not directional though.


Any thoughts/experiences about these tires to share?


Here is some general info link http://www.vulcantire.com/ze912_t.htm


I'm interested in 245/40/18. Was considering BFG G Force Sport in same specs but too much $ for me right now.

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you have the Rota SVNs, right?


i have them as well and recently switched to a 245/40/18 from 235/40/18 (both of which are Falken 512s). The result is a much better fit over the 235s. The lip of the rim was a bit exposed with the 235s and the sidewall of the tire did not quite line up with the rim. But the rim now looks well protected with the 245s.


But the problem now is that I experience slight rubbing in the rear. I'm sitting on H.Techs and the rear tires rub when ever I hit a dip or take a corner too fast. I haven't driven with anyone in the back seat yet.


I took the car to 2 local shop to see if rolling the fenders was an option. Both places I took it to recommended removing the rubber fender liner. One place said that if I only experience rubbing when cornering, hitting dips, or with rear passengers, then that rubber lining may be the cause of it. I'm going to remove it as soon as I get the chance.


I'll post pics of both set ups soon.

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here are the pics as promised. both sets of tires are on Rota SVNs 18x8.5.


here is the 235/40/18 set up. you can see in the pics that the tire does not quite wrap fully around the tire. a bit of the lip of the rim is exposed. the side wall also doesn't look like its lined up with the edge of the rim.




here is the 245/40/18 set up. these tires wrap around the rim much better. the lip of the rim is now protected and the side wall lines up properly with the edge of the rim.




the problem now is that I experience rubbing in the rear whenever I corner hard or hit some bumps. a couple local shops recommended I remove the rubber liner. so thats what i did. the pic on the left shows it with the rubber liner on. the pic on the right is without. and the pic under are the rubber liners removed.






i havent tested if removing the rubber will eliminate the rubbing. i'm gonna drive around later this afternoon. i'll update this afterwards.






NO RUBBING!!1!!!1 after removing the rubber, the rear tires no longer rub. i still have yet to drive with passengers in the rear, but with a passenger up front, NO RUBBING!!!!:icon_mrgr

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
CR didn't rate them well for snow or ice. Are you going to run 2 sets in MD?


in good amounts of snow and ice, i mostly drive a different car. but that has all seasons also, so not much of a difference. it doesn't really snow here in MD as much anymore anyway.

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According to Consumer Reports they are an improvement over the 512's(tested 512 and 912 recently) in many aspects. The 512's apparently are still much better in winter conditions. I believe the winter traction is now below average on this tire.
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