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XM/Sirius Option?


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Hello All, I am not to familiar on how Subaru option out their cars, but I was wondering do you guys think there will be a XM or Sirius Option for the car? Or do you guys think we will have to go aftermarket for the XM/Sirius setup? From the pictures that I have seen of the stock Radio System I don't see a "Sat" button. If we go aftermarket and keep our stock Radio system, Does anyone know of a good place to put the control Unit that switches the stations?
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  • 1 month later...
It is worth the 10 bucks. Seriously. I didn't think so either but NOT listening to 20 minutes of commercials every hour *IS WORTH* $10 a month. Seriously. -Allen
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Guest *Jedimaster*
Wouldn't be worth it to me- the stereo already has umpteen radio channels and 6 CD's to listen to. Only thing I'd get it for is the comedy station. I like listening to standup in the car.
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Radio channels do not compare to XM :) Commercial FREE think about that. Next time you are listening to the radio in your car, EVERYTIME you hear a commercial think this to yourself "For only .33 a day, I could be listening to music right now, instead of this stupid commercial." Do this for every commericial you hear on FM. Oh, and the comedy channelS are awesome :) Yes, I am an unofficial XM SHILL! I love the service, and although my first reaction was "*PAY* for radio? That's STUPID"...You'd now have to pry it out of my cold dead fingers. -Allen
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XM Roady is now $120 and includes everything you need to install XM on your radio plus you can take it inside and to different cars Im waiting for Opie and Anthony or Howard Stern to announce which SatRad they are planning on going to.
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you can use the wireless radio wave then [url]http://www.xmradio.com/roady/[/url] it doubles as a power supply and a radio transmitter. you set your FM radio to the XM radio channel that the transmitter uses and voila, wireless XM
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  • 5 months later...
I have the Sirius option! [img]http://home.comcast.net/~nlehmann/leg/int1.jpg[/img] It is definitely worth it, especially if you do a lot of travelling or if your daily commute goes between radio markets like mine does (I get Philly stations near home and NYC stations near work) I also love the stand-up comedy and traffic/weather channels. -Nick
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I've got the larger AUDIOVOX one from SIRIUS that used to fit perfectly in front of the ashtray in my '02 WRX. Now, I don't know where to put the damn thing (and I LOVE it!). I really won't put in on the dash (as you have, pictured above - no offense), just too much in the line of sight...and fugly in such a perty interior...plus the wires...meh! Any ideas, fellas? -Steve ps: Allen is right, satellite is worth every penny...
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  • 2 months later...
Well, I have XM now. It's awesome and O&A rule :) My headunit in the BMW has a 1/8" IN on the front so I just use that. Does anyone know if the factory headunit has an Audio IN yet? If not I have my radio frequency thingy too (I use a regular DC adaptor and got the wireless one free with the purchase) I just need to buy another antennae.
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