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Rear Trunk/Bumper Paint Issues


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So I've had my Spec B for about 6 months (picked it up very end of December 2006). I live in Calgary, which is notorious for loads of gravel on the roads. I was paranoid about scratches etc. for the first winter. But luckily I escaped, or so I thought.


I noticed some minor rock chips under the rear trunk and on the bumper about 2 weeks ago. It now appears to have gotten ALOT worse. So bad that I'm calling Centaur Subaru tomorrow to see whats up.


Anyone else had something like this?? Its like a rash of rock chips, but its damn near impossible when the rest of the car is fine.


I'm not sure what to do. Buff them out (if I can), get them touched up, get Subby to fix the horrible paint???


Here are some pics, it was fairly bright out when I took them, so the contrast may not show up - disregard the pasty white legs ;-)







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Wow. That really sucks.


They actually look like chips and I really doubt they would buff out.


Touch up??? Ouch. Assume that would be pretty tough in that location. All of the angles on the bumper would be pretty tough to touch up because you will inevitably see touch up spots whenever your eyes move up and down the round bumper....


Try the dealer but ..... I assume they would tell you it is normal wear and tear and/or abuse. If you can get them to repair the rear bumper all the power to you.... Crappy situation.


Good luck. Let me know how you do with it.

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That was sort of my thoughts too. I'm very much a newb at painting/touch ups so I'm a bit lost. But still bloody pissed. There is NO way that is normal wear because its on the flat side of the bumper/lid. It is almost physically impossible for my tires to kick rocks up like that.


They actually look like chips and I really doubt they would buff out.


Touch up??? Ouch. Assume that would be pretty tough in that location. All of the angles on the bumper would be pretty tough to touch up because you will inevitably see touch up spots whenever your eyes move up and down the round bumper....

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I have the SAME ISSUE!! My rear bumper is all chiped....



Hey ... if somebody else has the same problem I would certainly try to use that as ammunition.


Don't want to piss you off - just giving my opinion. I certainly don't think that there is any abuse but assume that will be the dealer's position....


All the best and good luck.

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My car is parked in my garage all day and every night. I honestly cant think of ANY way that this could happen.


I am going to let Centaur know today because this is pathetic.


If anyone else complains to their dealer let me know what the outcome is. Because its not abuse or normal wear.



Do you guys park at work (or an apartment complex) where the landscape company is using their weed wackers or leaf blowers nearby and slinging/blowing crap at your car?
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you want something to cry about? On some of the '05 Legacy's out there, there is a defect on the paint mix on certain parts of the trunk.


Think I'm joking? I'll post a picture when I get time. Basically it's about the same thing you're getting because it means the clear coat is open and ready for paint flaking.


That said, I would get to your Subbie dealership ASAP and get that taken care of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got one of my cotton t-shirts in the trunk of my car and every day I come home from work I spend 5 seconds of my life to wipe off the brake dust off the back bumper. It really helps if you like to keep your stuff clean to give it a quick wipe.

You can't really fault the dealership for that damage you have though unless it was something that was on the car before you bought it...Dealerships may seem like they try to control you sometimes, but I doubt that they control the rocks on the road

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The one dealer said, sorry nothing we can do. I'm going to try the other dealer in Calgary. ITs complete crap. There is NO WAY rocks can that to the car because its on the upside of the bumper. Add to that I always park in my garage and I am almost positive its a paint defect.
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The one dealer said, sorry nothing we can do. I'm going to try the other dealer in Calgary. ITs complete crap. There is NO WAY rocks can that to the car because its on the upside of the bumper. Add to that I always park in my garage and I am almost positive its a paint defect.

Ask a reputable body shop. I bet they see more paint defects than any Subaru dealer does. Give them $20 to write up a note on company stationary with their "diagnosis" and go back to the dealer.

It is still ugly.
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