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some accident when I clean interior, need help

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Hi everyone


I have a little accident, when wife clean my 2005 Legacy GT, she accidently put some 3M rubbing compound for try to clean up the light scretch on the panel surface which near the automatic sport-shift stick panel area, and wipe off some brown color, now little lighter than the next area. Now we knew the middle panel, the brown color are painted on it, not come with from the material itself. Do anyone know how to fix, or if can't not fix, I want to change this part, because it looking not good now, this is my baby, and I don't want it look urgly for interior view. I have problem also, I want to find the part, and the part number of it, and try to describe, and order it, but I don't know how is called, I have the picture to show, you will see a little lighter, it is not much, but I still want to fix it, thanks anyone for advice.


Thank You.


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Unfortunatley, it looks like you took off some of the finish so I don't know how it can be made less noticeable. I doubt it would work, but you could try applying some wax over the area. The best thing to do, if it is going to bother you is to order a new panel. Any good parts department should be able to look it up for you. Some on-line parts places will also look up parts for you too. I've found Jamie (Subiegal) over at Carter Subaru to have excellent service: [url]http://allsubaru.com/home.html[/url] Ken
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it's the shifter trim.. not sure if it's the whole piece.. but you can order a new part from the dealer.. if you want to know right away of the part number, you can take the part off the car, look on the underside of the part and you should see a part number stamped on the part (the part is big enough to have a molded number on there). Keefe
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Hi Everyone Thanks for opinion, and advice, but I also need the assembly manual for 2005 Subaru Legacy to help me take the part out for change myself, and take to dealer for order part, please anyone have the assembly manual for interior part, please tell me how to get, Thank You.
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[font=Times New Roman][size=3]Im sure someone can help you. [/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] [/font][/size] [font='Times New Roman'][url="http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1316&highlight=vacation+pics"][u][color=#800080]http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1316&highlight=vacation+pics[/color][/u][/url][/font]
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