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finally bought a LGT Wagon 5speed Limited today...unhappy


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So after 6 months of searching, I finally bought one today.


23K miles, white with black leather 5 speed wagon. It was (asking price was 27K ridicolous) out the door, from a honda dealer in Elk Grove California. I drove 2 hours to the dealer to pick it up.

I was estatic, still am.


So I drive home, get home, take a look at the rear tire and noticed it looked flat.


I drove it to the gas station, pump it up and I hear a leak.


So I think, ok I probably just ran over a nail or something. I remove the wheel and this is what I see.


I will call the salesmen tommorow to see what I can do. I am almost 99 percent certain that this I didn't do this.


I am guessing Subaru warranty doesn't cover this right?


Other than that, can't wait to drive this thing with all four full size tires on.

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Good excuse to by some real replacement tires. Enjoy the new toy.


Errp... just saw the second picture with the bent rim. Yeah, you'll be hard pressed to convince the dealership you didn't do that. Stock wheels can be had for a decent price in the classifieds...

ignore him, he'll go away.
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hope everything works out for ya...


a wheel plus tire combo would work out nicely.


Because you have to replace ALL the tires at once. and with that bent rim the costs will be even more.


If i were in your shoes I'd start photoshopping the different rotas onto my car :)

car for sale. PM me!
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If you would have caused that, you'd know. The stock rims are pretty durable. Go back immediately and get something from them. Demand a replacement rim and tire (I'm guessing around $175 and $175 retail) and settle for cash which you can use to use towards a cheap replacement rim in these classifieds and new tires.
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Ended up buying a set for $350 from another member here. No response from the dealer. I don't think it is going to be worth the trip to drive back to the dealer (2 hours away).


Loving the car now.

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