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"That's the trouble with these Hollywood dames. They all have such a sketchy education. They know absolutely nothing about the community chest, but they know everything there is to know about community property. Their arithmetic is not so hot, but just ask them how many minks make a coat." --Dixon Steele (Humphrey Bogart)
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"Snark is too much of a currency and it's way too easy. It's the idiot's version of wit."

- Aaron Sorkin commentary on the last episode of The Newsroom

- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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"But the murders in Paris were so specific and so brazen as to make their meaning quite clear. The cartoonists died for an idea. The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society. So we must all try to be Charlie, not just today but every day." --George Packer



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By her own account she didn't live life as a woman, but as a man. She did what she damn well pleased and she made enough money that she could support herself and she was never afraid of being alone. She was pragmatic, and yet did whatever she could for others; she actually found her joy in doing for others.
- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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By her own account she didn't live life as a woman, but as a man. She did what she damn well pleased and she made enough money that she could support herself and she was never afraid of being alone. She was pragmatic, and yet did whatever she could for others; she actually found her joy in doing for others.


Like the married (to another) love of her life, the raging alcoholic Spencer Tracy? Talk about a functioning alcohoiic! :lol: Whatever, she was a great lady with backbone. Reminds me of my wife. Or vice versa.

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"Through our scientific genius, we made of the world a neighborhood, and now through our moral and ethical commitment, we must make of it a brotherhood. We must all learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as fools." --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Good question, not sure why I guess it could go in a multitude of directions. I would say please clarify as to how the nation would benefit from dr. King not being murdered. I say that because his death changed a lot of things. Not sure any of that would've happened if he didn't sacrifice his life. Or are you just saying if he could be resurrected you would do so.
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If I could bring any murdered person back to life it would be Dr. King. Our nation would be in a better place.


Admit it - you would like to go back in history and prevent Watergate so that Nixon could get a good track record!

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