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2007 fuel smell

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hey anyone know of this issue -- my 07 has 13k miles on it and im getting a rich fuel smell when i put the outside ventilation on. When im driving its non noticable, but when im at a stop its horrible. My 02 wrx had the same issue (but subaru found nothing)


It did this with an aftermarket bov and the stock one.


the only thing im running is a DP but it was doing it before it was installed.


Plus would they still service my car with an autospeed downpipe under warrenty?


Anyone have this problem with 05+

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  • 4 months later...

friend's OLD camry had the exact same issue


resolved itself somehow...


it might have been something involving

the car being partially sumbmerged... but i cant remember if it went away before that

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If you read thoroughly they all occur under the same circumstances. How people describe smells is subjective. Describing a smell may be tough but the conditions at which they occur are all the same. The smell I have could fall into either category.


Furthermore, many, many members chimed in claiming the same issues in the two links posted.

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