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Finally got my SWP 2.5i limited

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Thanks to you all who have helped me answer the questions about buying the car, and all that precious info. Went to a dealer in Fredricksburg(2hr drive) and got the 2.5i SWP.


It looks byooootifull~~ I love it. Just need to wait till reaching 500 miles before i can push the pedal to the potential. Never driven the GT, and dont want to try it either.(I might get jealous)


Well I couldnt take any pics of the car cause of dead battery on the camera. Will post some soon.


Once again, thats to you all, and there will be more thanking in the future.

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Very nice. Great color choice. I really love SWP. Classy! Easy to maintain too. Of all the cars I've had the one white one stayed looking great the longest. The little chips n dings in the paint that develop over the years just blend in. One tiny speck on a black or blue car sticks out like a sore thumb.


Good choice in not test driving a GT. :) I had my heart set on a 2.5i Limited just like yours about three weeks ago and was very happy about it. On a whim I took a GT out for a test drive just to be thorough in my shopping. Nuff said.

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