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OK - what's up with the Civic "Barcolounger" look?


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I see a lot of young guys cruising around with their driver's seat reclined just about down to the door sill.


This cuts across all race, color, or creed lines but does seem to appeal to a certain socioeconomic strata, in that they're predominantly Civics that aren't finished.


But - Why?

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I find myself doing the same thing (due to me being 6'5 in height). this only happen when cruising. when Wanting to get proper shifting withtout missing gears and syncro grinding ,I would resume proper race position.
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Oddly enough my wife used to lay back quite a bit in her old Civic. She said seat was more comfortable that way to her. In her LGT it looks/feels more reasonable where she sets it.
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they lean like that because the A pillar will protect them from gun fire and keep the fact that they are gangsta away from passing cops.

That would explain the often multi-colored paint them - protective coloration.....

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