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DC Roads/Coilover Rant


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Late Last year I installed coilovers on my car. Next thing I know, my f$*#$*@ company moves me from Herndon, VA to smack in the middle of crappy Washington, DC. Now I admit, I wouldn’t hate DC so much if it weren’t for all the terrible roads, moron drivers, traffic, careless pedestrians and….oh, who am I kidding, I hate DC. Anyway, the roads are so bad that even on the softest setting, my coilovers cause the ride to be unbearable (not to mention the damage I’m doing to them and the rest of the car). So now I’m thinking about just putting the stock struts back on since I can’t justify to myself only driving the legacy on the weekends. I don’t understand how they can let the roads suck as bad as they do. I mean, with all the money they steal from us in taxes, WTF?!? Oh, nevermind, they spend it all on parking ticket Nazis who will get you if you’re parked for 2 minutes over the limit. It’s great to see my tax dollars at work. GOD, DC SUCKS!!! Anyone else feel the same way about their city?

Ok, end of rant, thanks for listening.

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i hate driving in DC also. i metro it when i need to go into the city, which is only every now and then. But then like you said, you'd only be driving your car on the weekends. I'm currently in philly for a conference. the drivers and peds are just as bad, but where i'm located, the roads don't seem AS bad. but then again, i'm only spending time around the convention center.
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Its not only downtown, some of the surburban roads are just as crappy. I think so many people drive SUV's here that they don't notice the roads look like a 3rd world country. The perfect DC vehicle is an OutbackXT for real. Another option is to pick up a Honda Civic beater for commuting.
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Yea, I have a beater that I was driving to work 5 days a week, but it's just that….a beater. The windows suck (hard to see out of at night), its slow, sloppy steering, etc. etc. etc. I bought the legacy to drive it so that's what I'm going to do…even if I have to drive in DC. I'm praying for a snow day tomorrow....so I can take the coilovers off and store them away for when I can finally leave this dump of a city. Glad to know at least a couple of you feel the same way....
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ouch, no love for teh district of crime!


this is definitely not a coilover friendly environment, but it's much the same as any other northeast city. i've gone back to stock suspension in my car and it is much easier to live with on a daily basis. no problems at all.


I'd take city life over the burbs any day. :icon_cool

getting out of the legacy game :cool:
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Now I admit, I wouldn’t hate DC so much if it weren’t for all the terrible roads, moron drivers, traffic, careless pedestrians and….oh, who am I kidding, I hate DC.


Sounds like S.F. :p I've visited DC a few times, and I thought that the worst roads were in the Georgetown area.



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When I was in high school I spent a week or so in Utah, and tried to go skateboarding while I was there. It was hopeless, the roads and parking lots sucked, were potholed, cracked, wrinkled, etc, etc. I figured it was due to a lot of freeze/thaw cycles - that's pure speculation, but it's the best guess I have.


What's DC's excuse?

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