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Oil change reminders?

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For those of you that do your own maintenance; how do you keep track of you oil changes? Between my car and the wife's I often forget when the next change is due. I was thinking of picking up something like this: http://www.oilchangereminders.com or the generic ones at http://www.oilstickersdirect.com just don't think I need two thousand! :lol:
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Keeping track of the LGT is one thing...I have complete control over that but the wife's A4 is another thing. I hardly drive her car since I go the GT and the A4's do have issues with sludge so I want to make sure she doesn't run too long without a change.
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The main problem I have is with her car, since I don't regularly see what mileage she is at and how many miles she is averaging a week I pretty much guess at a date. Then if something comes up when I am supposed to check or the weather sucks it ends up getting put off and if I forget it doesn't get done. I was thinking something like this would remind her....ugh who am I kidding, she doesn't notice anything on the car.
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